Source code for gms_preprocessing.algorithms.L1A_P

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# gms_preprocessing, spatial and spectral homogenization of satellite remote sensing data
# Copyright (C) 2020  Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Please note the following exception: `gms_preprocessing` depends on tqdm, which
# is distributed under the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v2.0 except for the files
# "tqdm/", "", "README.rst", "" and ".gitignore".
# Details can be found here:
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program.  If not, see <>.

import datetime
import os
import re
import warnings

import gdal
import gdalnumeric
import numpy as np
from natsort import natsorted

    from pyhdf import SD
except ImportError:
    SD = None

from geoarray import GeoArray
from py_tools_ds.geo.coord_calc import calc_FullDataset_corner_positions
from py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo import pixelToLatLon, imYX2mapYX
from py_tools_ds.geo.map_info import mapinfo2geotransform
from py_tools_ds.geo.projection import EPSG2WKT, isProjectedOrGeographic

from ..options.config import GMS_config as CFG
from . import geoprocessing as GEOP
from ..misc.definition_dicts import get_outFillZeroSaturated, is_dataset_provided_as_fullScene
from ..misc.locks import IOLock
from ..model.gms_object import GMS_object
from ..model import metadata as META

__author__ = 'Daniel Scheffler'

[docs]class L1A_object(GMS_object): """Features input reader and raster-/metadata homogenization.""" def __init__(self, image_type='', satellite='', sensor='', subsystem='', sensormode='', acq_datetime=None, entity_ID='', scene_ID=-9999, filename='', dataset_ID=-9999, proc_status='', **kwargs): """:param : instance of gms_object.GMS_object or None """ # TODO docstring # NOTE: kwargs is in here to allow instanciating with additional arg 'proc_level' # load default attribute values and methods super(L1A_object, self).__init__() # unpack kwargs self.proc_level = 'L1A' self.image_type = image_type # FIXME not needed anymore? self.satellite = satellite self.sensor = sensor self.subsystem = subsystem self.sensormode = sensormode self.acq_datetime = acq_datetime self.entity_ID = entity_ID self.scene_ID = scene_ID self.filename = filename self.dataset_ID = dataset_ID # set pathes (only if there are valid init args) if image_type and satellite and sensor: self.set_pathes() # also overwrites logfile self.validate_pathes() if self.path_archive_valid:'L1A object for %s %s%s (entity-ID %s) successfully initialized.' % (self.satellite, self.sensor, (' ' + self.subsystem) if self.subsystem not in [None, ''] else '', self.entity_ID)) # (re)set the processing status if self.scene_ID in self.proc_status_all_GMSobjs: del self.proc_status_all_GMSobjs[self.scene_ID] self.proc_status = proc_status or 'initialized' # if proc_status = 'running' is given by L1A_map
[docs] def import_rasterdata(self): if"ALOS", self.satellite, re.I): '''First 22 lines are nodata: = maybe due to an issue of the GDAL CEOS driver. But: UL of metadata refers to [row =0, col=21]! So the imported GeoTransform is correct when the first 21 columns are deleted.''' self.archive_to_rasObj(self.path_archive, self.path_InFilePreprocessor, subset=['block', [[None, None], [21, None]]]) elif"Terra", self.satellite, re.I): self.ASTER_HDF_to_rasObj(self.path_archive, path_output=self.path_InFilePreprocessor) else: self.archive_to_rasObj(self.path_archive, path_output=self.path_InFilePreprocessor) # set shape_fullArr self.shape_fullArr = self.arr.shape
[docs] def archive_to_rasObj(self, path_archive, path_output=None, subset=None): from ..misc.helper_functions import convert_absPathArchive_to_GDALvsiPath assert subset is None or isinstance(subset, list) and len(subset) == 2, \ "Subset argument has be a list with 2 elements." if subset: assert subset[0] == 'block',\ "The function 'archive_to_rasObj' only supports block subsetting. Attempted to perform '%s' " \ "subsetting." % subset[0]'Reading %s %s %s image data...' % (self.satellite, self.sensor, self.subsystem)) gdal_path_archive = convert_absPathArchive_to_GDALvsiPath(path_archive) project_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(path_archive)) files_in_archive = gdal.ReadDirRecursive(gdal_path_archive) # needs ~12sek for Landsat-8 assert files_in_archive, 'No files in archive %s for scene %s (entity ID: %s). ' \ % (os.path.basename(path_archive), self.scene_ID, self.entity_ID) full_LayerBandsAssignment = META.get_LayerBandsAssignment(self.GMS_identifier, no_thermal=False, no_pan=False) #################################################### # get list of raster files to be read from archive # #################################################### image_files = [] is_ALOS_Landsat_S2 = \'ALOS', self.satellite) or'Landsat', self.satellite) or \'Sentinel-2', self.satellite) n_files2search = len(full_LayerBandsAssignment) if is_ALOS_Landsat_S2 else 1 for File in natsorted(files_in_archive): search_res = \"IMG-0[0-9]-[\s\S]*", File) if'ALOS', self.satellite) else \"[\S]*_B[1-9][0-9]?[\S]*.TIF", File) if'Landsat', self.satellite) else \"[0-9]*.tif", File) if'RapidEye', self.satellite) else \"imagery.tif", File) if'SPOT', self.satellite) else \"[\S]*.SAFE/GRANULE/%s/IMG_DATA/[\S]*_B[0-9][\S]*.jp2" % self.entity_ID, File) if'Sentinel-2', self.satellite) else None if search_res: if'Sentinel-2', self.satellite): # add only those files that are corresponding to subsystem (e.g. S2A10: fullLBA = ['2','3','4','8']) if 1 in [1 if"[\S]*_B[0]?%s.jp2" % LBAn, os.path.basename(File)) else 0 for LBAn in full_LayerBandsAssignment]: image_files.append(File) else: image_files.append(File) # create and fill raster object if n_files2search > 1: ##################################### # validate number of expected files # ##################################### if'ETM+', self.sensor) and self.acq_datetime > datetime.datetime(year=2003, month=5, day=31): expected_files_count = 2 * len(full_LayerBandsAssignment) else: expected_files_count = len(full_LayerBandsAssignment) assert len(image_files) == expected_files_count, "Expected %s image files in '%s'. Found %s." \ % (len(full_LayerBandsAssignment), path_archive, len(image_files)) ############################### # get paths of files to stack # ############################### # NOTE: image_files is a SORTED list of image filenames; self.LayerBandsAssignment may be sorted by CWL filtered_files = [] for bN in self.LayerBandsAssignment: # unsorted, e.g., ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '9', '6', '7'] for fN, b in zip(image_files, natsorted(full_LayerBandsAssignment)): # both sorted nicely if b == bN: filtered_files.append(fN) paths_files2stack = [os.path.join(gdal_path_archive, i) for i in filtered_files] ######################### # read the raster data # ######################### rasObj = GEOP.GEOPROCESSING(paths_files2stack[0], self.logger) # in case a subset is to be read: prepare rasObj instance to read a subset if subset: full_dim = [0, rasObj.rowEnd, 0, rasObj.colEnd] sub_dim = [subset[1][0][0], subset[1][0][1], subset[1][1][0], subset[1][0][1]] sub_dim = [sub_dim[i] if sub_dim[i] else full_dim[i] for i in range(len(sub_dim))] subset = ['block', [[sub_dim[0], sub_dim[1] + 1], [sub_dim[2], sub_dim[3] + 1]]] rasObj = GEOP.GEOPROCESSING(paths_files2stack[0], self.logger, subset=subset) # perform layer stack with IOLock(allowed_slots=CFG.max_parallel_reads_writes, logger=self.logger): if CFG.inmem_serialization and path_output is None: # numpy array output self.arr = rasObj.Layerstacking(paths_files2stack) self.path_InFilePreprocessor = paths_files2stack[0] else: # 'MEMORY' or physical output rasObj.Layerstacking(paths_files2stack, path_output=path_output) # writes an output (gdal_merge) self.arr = path_output else: assert image_files != [], 'No image files found within the archive matching the expected naming scheme.' path_file2load = os.path.join(gdal_path_archive, image_files[0]) rasObj = GEOP.GEOPROCESSING(path_file2load, self.logger) if subset: full_dim = [0, rasObj.rowEnd, 0, rasObj.colEnd] sub_dim = [subset[1][0][0], subset[1][0][1], subset[1][1][0], subset[1][0][1]] sub_dim = [sub_dim[i] if sub_dim[i] else full_dim[i] for i in range(len(sub_dim))] subset = ['block', [[sub_dim[0], sub_dim[1] + 1], [sub_dim[2], sub_dim[3] + 1]]] rasObj = GEOP.GEOPROCESSING(path_file2load, self.logger, subset=subset) # read a single file with IOLock(allowed_slots=CFG.max_parallel_reads_writes, logger=self.logger): if CFG.inmem_serialization and path_output is None: # numpy array output self.arr = gdalnumeric.LoadFile(path_file2load) if subset is None else \ gdalnumeric.LoadFile(path_file2load, rasObj.colStart, rasObj.rowStart, rasObj.cols, rasObj.rows) self.path_InFilePreprocessor = path_file2load else: # 'MEMORY' or physical output GEOP.ndarray2gdal(rasObj.tondarray(), path_output, geotransform=rasObj.geotransform, projection=rasObj.projection) self.arr = path_output os.chdir(project_dir)
[docs] def ASTER_HDF_to_rasObj(self, path_archive, path_output=None): subsystem_identifier = 'VNIR' if self.subsystem in ['VNIR1', 'VNIR2'] else 'SWIR' \ if self.subsystem == 'SWIR' else 'TIR' ds = gdal.Open(path_archive) if ds: sds_md = ds.GetMetadata('SUBDATASETS') data_arr = None for bidx, b in enumerate(self.LayerBandsAssignment): sds_name = [i for i in sds_md.values() if '%s_Band%s:ImageData' % (subsystem_identifier, b) in str(i) or '%s_Swath:ImageData%s' % (subsystem_identifier, b) in str(i)][0] data = gdalnumeric.LoadFile(sds_name) if bidx == 0: data_arr = np.empty(data.shape + (len(self.LayerBandsAssignment),), data.dtype) data_arr[:, :, bidx] = data if CFG.inmem_serialization and path_output is None: # numpy array output self.arr = data_arr else: GEOP.ndarray2gdal(data_arr, path_output, geotransform=ds.GetGeoTransform(), projection=ds.GetProjection(), direction=3) self.arr = path_output elif SD is not None:'Missing HDF4 support within GDAL. Reading HDF file using alternative reader.') hdfFile = SD.SD(path_archive, SD.SDC.READ) i, list_matching_dsIdx = 0, [] while True: # Get dataset indices within HDF file # noinspection PyBroadException try: ds = if subsystem_identifier in str(ds.dimensions()) and 'ImagePixel' in str(ds.dimensions()): list_matching_dsIdx.append(i) i += 1 except Exception: break list_matching_dsIdx = list_matching_dsIdx[:3] if self.subsystem == 'VNIR1' else \ [list_matching_dsIdx[-1]] if self.subsystem == 'VNIR2' else list_matching_dsIdx data_arr = None for i, dsIdx in enumerate(list_matching_dsIdx): data =[:] if i == 0: data_arr = np.empty(data.shape + (len(self.LayerBandsAssignment),), data.dtype) data_arr[:, :, i] = data if CFG.inmem_serialization and path_output is None: # numpy array output self.arr = data_arr else: GEOP.ndarray2gdal(data_arr, path_output, direction=3) self.arr = path_output else: self.logger.error('Missing HDF4 support. Reading HDF file failed.') raise ImportError('No suitable library for reading HDF4 data available.') del ds
[docs] def import_metadata(self): """Reads metainformation of the given file from the given ASCII metafile. Works for: RapidEye (metadata.xml),SPOT(metadata.dim),LANDSAT(mtl.txt),ASTER(downloaded coremetadata), ALOS(summary.txt & Leader file) :return: """'Reading %s %s %s metadata...' % (self.satellite, self.sensor, self.subsystem)) self.MetaObj = META.METADATA(self.GMS_identifier) self.MetaObj.read_meta(self.scene_ID, self.path_InFilePreprocessor, self.path_MetaPreprocessor, self.LayerBandsAssignment) self.logger.debug("The following metadata have been read:") [self.logger.debug("%20s : %-4s" % (key, val)) for key, val in self.MetaObj.overview.items()] # set some object attributes directly linked to metadata self.subsystem = self.MetaObj.Subsystem self.arr.nodata = self.MetaObj.spec_vals['fill'] # update acquisition date to a complete datetime object incl. date, time and timezone if self.MetaObj.AcqDateTime: self.acq_datetime = self.MetaObj.AcqDateTime # set arr_desc self.arr_desc = \ 'DN' if self.MetaObj.PhysUnit == 'DN' else \ 'Rad' if self.MetaObj.PhysUnit == "W * m-2 * sr-1 * micrometer-1" else \ 'TOA_Ref' if'TOA_Reflectance', self.MetaObj.PhysUnit, re.I) else \ 'BOA_Ref' if'BOA_Reflectance', self.MetaObj.PhysUnit, re.I) else \ 'Temp' if'Degrees Celsius', self.MetaObj.PhysUnit, re.I) else None assert self.arr_desc, 'GMS_obj contains an unexpected physical unit: %s' % self.MetaObj.PhysUnit
[docs] def calc_TOARadRefTemp(self, subset=None): """Convert DN, Rad or TOA_Ref data to TOA Reflectance, to Radiance or to Surface Temperature (depending on CFG.target_radunit_optical and target_radunit_thermal). The function can be executed by a L1A_object representing a full scene or a tile. To process a file from disk in tiles, provide an item of self.tile_pos as the 'subset' argument.""" proc_opt_therm = sorted(list(set(self.dict_LayerOptTherm.values()))) assert proc_opt_therm in [['optical', 'thermal'], ['optical'], ['thermal']] inFill, inZero, inSaturated = \ self.MetaObj.spec_vals['fill'], self.MetaObj.spec_vals['zero'], self.MetaObj.spec_vals['saturated'] (rS, rE), (cS, cE) = self.arr_pos or ((0, self.shape_fullArr[0]), (0, self.shape_fullArr[1])) # in_mem = hasattr(self, 'arr') and isinstance(self.arr, np.ndarray) # if in_mem: # (rS, rE), (cS, cE) = # self.arr_pos if self.arr_pos else ((0,self.shape_fullArr[0]),(0,self.shape_fullArr[1])) # bands = true_bands = self.arr.shape[2] if len(self.arr.shape) == 3 else 1 # else: # subset = subset if subset else ['block', self.arr_pos] if self.arr_pos else ['cube', None] # bands, rS, rE, cS, cE = # list(GEOP.get_subsetProps_from_subsetArg(self.shape_fullArr, subset).values())[2:7] # ds = gdal.Open(self.MetaObj.Dataname); true_bands = ds.RasterCount; ds = None assert len(self.LayerBandsAssignment) == self.arr.bands, \ "DN2RadRef-Input data have %s bands although %s bands are specified in self.LayerBandsAssignment." \ % (self.arr.bands, len(self.LayerBandsAssignment)) ################################ # perform conversion if needed # ################################ data_optical, data_thermal, optical_bandsList, thermal_bandsList = None, None, [], [] for optical_thermal in ['optical', 'thermal']: if optical_thermal not in self.dict_LayerOptTherm.values(): continue conv = getattr(CFG, 'target_radunit_%s' % optical_thermal) conv = conv if conv != 'BOA_Ref' else 'TOA_Ref' assert conv in ['Rad', 'TOA_Ref', 'Temp'], 'Unsupported conversion type: %s' % conv arr_desc = self.arr_desc.split('/')[0] if optical_thermal == 'optical' else self.arr_desc.split('/')[-1] assert arr_desc in ['DN', 'Rad', 'TOA_Ref', 'Temp'], 'Unsupported array description: %s' % arr_desc bList = [i for i, lr in enumerate(self.LayerBandsAssignment) if self.dict_LayerOptTherm[lr] == optical_thermal] # custom_subsetProps = [[rS,rE],[cS,cE],bList] inArray = np.take(self.arr, bList, axis=2) # inArray = np.take(self.arr,bList,axis=2) if in_mem else \ # INP_R.read_ENVI_image_data_as_array(self.MetaObj.Dataname,'custom',custom_subsetProps,self.logger,q=1) inArray = inArray[:, :, 0] if len(inArray.shape) == 3 and inArray.shape[2] == 1 else inArray # 3D to 2D if arr_desc == 'DN': self.log_for_fullArr_or_firstTile('Calculating %s...' % conv, subset) # get input parameters # ######################## off = [self.MetaObj.Offsets[b] for b in self.LayerBandsAssignment] gai = [self.MetaObj.Gains[b] for b in self.LayerBandsAssignment] irr = [self.MetaObj.SolIrradiance[b] for b in self.LayerBandsAssignment] zen, esd = 90 - float(self.MetaObj.SunElevation), self.MetaObj.EarthSunDist k1 = [self.MetaObj.ThermalConstK1[b] for b in self.LayerBandsAssignment] k2 = [self.MetaObj.ThermalConstK2[b] for b in self.LayerBandsAssignment] OFF, GAI, IRR, K1, K2 = [list(np.array(par)[bList]) for par in [off, gai, irr, k1, k2]] # perform conversion # ###################### res = \ GEOP.DN2Rad(inArray, OFF, GAI, inFill, inZero, inSaturated) if conv == 'Rad' else \ GEOP.DN2TOARef(inArray, OFF, GAI, IRR, zen, esd, inFill, inZero, inSaturated) if conv == 'TOA_Ref' else \ GEOP.DN2DegreesCelsius_fastforward(inArray, OFF, GAI, K1, K2, 0.95, inFill, inZero, inSaturated) if conv == 'TOA_Ref': self.MetaObj.ScaleFactor = CFG.scale_factor_TOARef elif arr_desc == 'Rad': raise NotImplementedError("Conversion Rad to %s is currently not supported." % conv) elif arr_desc == 'TOA_Ref': if conv == 'Rad': """ rToa = (float)(DN_L1C_band / QUANTIFICATION_VALUE); L = (rToa * e0__SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_For_band * cos(Z__Sun_Angles_Grid_Zenith_Values)) / (PI * U__earth_sun_distance_correction_factor); L = (U__earth_sun_distance_correction_factor * rToa * e0__SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_For_band * cos( Z__Sun_Angles_Grid_Zenith_Values)) / PI;""" if'Sentinel-2', self.satellite, re.I): warnings.warn('Physical gain values unclear for Sentinel-2! This may cause errors when ' 'calculating radiance from TOA Reflectance. ESA provides only 12 gain values for ' '13 bands and it not clear for which bands the gains are provided.') raise NotImplementedError("Conversion TOA_Ref to %s is currently not supported." % conv) else: # conv=='TOA_Ref' if self.MetaObj.ScaleFactor != CFG.scale_factor_TOARef: res = self.rescale_array(inArray, CFG.scale_factor_TOARef, self.MetaObj.ScaleFactor) self.MetaObj.ScaleFactor = CFG.scale_factor_TOARef self.log_for_fullArr_or_firstTile( 'Rescaling Ref data to scaling factor %d.' % CFG.scale_factor_TOARef) else: res = inArray self.log_for_fullArr_or_firstTile('The input data already represents TOA ' 'reflectance with the desired scale factor of %d.' % CFG.scale_factor_TOARef) else: # arr_desc == 'Temp' raise NotImplementedError("Conversion Temp to %s is currently not supported." % conv) # ensure int16 as output data type (also relevant for auto-setting of nodata value) if isinstance(res, (np.ndarray, GeoArray)): # change data type to int16 and update nodata values within array res = res if res.dtype == np.int16 else res.astype(np.int16) res[res == inFill] = get_outFillZeroSaturated(np.int16)[0] if optical_thermal == 'optical': data_optical, optical_bandsList = res, bList else: data_thermal, thermal_bandsList = res, bList ################################################# # combine results from optical and thermal data # ################################################# if data_optical is not None and data_thermal is not None: bands_opt, bands_therm = [1 if len(d.shape) == 2 else d.shape[2] for d in [data_optical, data_thermal]] r, c, b = data_optical.shape[0], data_optical.shape[1], bands_opt + bands_therm dataOut = np.empty((r, c, b), data_optical.dtype) for idx_out, idx_in in zip(optical_bandsList, range(bands_opt)): dataOut[:, :, idx_out] = data_optical[:, :, idx_in] for idx_out, idx_in in zip(thermal_bandsList, range(bands_therm)): dataOut[:, :, idx_out] = data_thermal[:, :, idx_in] else: dataOut = data_optical if data_thermal is None else data_thermal assert dataOut is not None self.update_spec_vals_according_to_dtype('int16') tiles_desc = '_'.join([desc for op_th, desc in zip(['optical', 'thermal'], [CFG.target_radunit_optical, CFG.target_radunit_thermal]) if desc in self.dict_LayerOptTherm.values()]) self.arr = dataOut self.arr_desc = tiles_desc return {'desc': tiles_desc, 'row_start': rS, 'row_end': rE, 'col_start': cS, 'col_end': cE, 'data': dataOut}
[docs] def validate_GeoTransProj_GeoAlign(self): project_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) if self.MetaObj.Dataname.startswith('/vsi'): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.path_archive)) rasObj = GEOP.GEOPROCESSING(self.MetaObj.Dataname, self.logger) if rasObj.geotransform == (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) and rasObj.projection == '': if'ALOS', self.satellite) and self.MetaObj.ProcLCode == '1B2': self.GeoTransProj_ok, self.GeoAlign_ok = False, True else: self.GeoTransProj_ok, self.GeoAlign_ok = False, False os.chdir(project_dir)
[docs] def reference_data(self, out_CS='UTM'): """Perform georeferencing of self.arr or the corresponding data on disk respectively. Method is skipped if self.GeoAlign_ok and self.GeoTransProj_ok evaluate to 'True'. All attributes connected with the georeference of self.arr are automatically updated.""" from import add_attributes_to_ENVIhdr if False in [self.GeoAlign_ok, self.GeoTransProj_ok]: previous_dataname = self.MetaObj.Dataname if hasattr(self, 'arr') and isinstance(self.arr, (GeoArray, np.ndarray)) and \ self.MetaObj.Dataname.startswith('/vsi'): outP = os.path.join(self.ExtractedFolder, self.baseN + '__' + self.arr_desc) # FIXME ineffective but needed as long as georeference_by_TieP_or_inherent_GCPs does not support # FIXME direct array inputs GEOP.ndarray2gdal(self.arr, outPath=outP, geotransform=mapinfo2geotransform(self.MetaObj.map_info), projection=self.MetaObj.projection, direction=3) assert os.path.isfile(outP), 'Writing tempfile failed.' self.MetaObj.Dataname = outP rasObj = GEOP.GEOPROCESSING(self.MetaObj.Dataname, self.logger) # --Georeference if neccessary if self.GeoAlign_ok and not self.GeoTransProj_ok:'Adding georeference from metadata to image...') rasObj.add_GeoTransform_Projection_using_MetaData(self.MetaObj.CornerTieP_LonLat, CS_TYPE=self.MetaObj.CS_TYPE, CS_DATUM=self.MetaObj.CS_DATUM, CS_UTM_ZONE=self.MetaObj.CS_UTM_ZONE, gResolution=self.MetaObj.gResolution, shape_fullArr=self.shape_fullArr) self.add_rasterInfo_to_MetaObj(rasObj) add_attributes_to_ENVIhdr( {'map info': self.MetaObj.map_info, 'coordinate system string': self.MetaObj.projection}, os.path.splitext(self.MetaObj.Dataname)[0] + '.hdr') self.arr = self.MetaObj.Dataname self.GeoTransProj_ok = True if not self.GeoAlign_ok:'Georeferencing image...') rasObj.georeference_by_TieP_or_inherent_GCPs(TieP=self.MetaObj.CornerTieP_LonLat, dst_CS=out_CS, dst_CS_datum='WGS84', mode='GDAL', use_workspace=True, inFill=self.MetaObj.spec_vals['fill']) if not CFG.inmem_serialization: path_warped = os.path.join(self.ExtractedFolder, self.baseN + '__' + self.arr_desc) GEOP.ndarray2gdal(rasObj.tondarray(direction=3), path_warped, importFile=rasObj.desc, direction=3) self.MetaObj.Dataname = path_warped self.arr = path_warped else: # CFG.inmem_serialization is True self.arr = rasObj.tondarray(direction=3) self.shape_fullArr = [rasObj.rows, rasObj.cols, rasObj.bands] self.add_rasterInfo_to_MetaObj() # uses self.MetaObj.Dataname as inFile self.update_spec_vals_according_to_dtype() self.calc_mask_nodata() # uses nodata value from self.MetaObj.spec_vals self.GeoTransProj_ok, self.GeoAlign_ok = True, True if rasObj.get_projection_type() == 'LonLat': self.MetaObj.CornerTieP_LonLat = rasObj.get_corner_coordinates('LonLat') if rasObj.get_projection_type() == 'UTM': self.MetaObj.CornerTieP_UTM = rasObj.get_corner_coordinates('UTM') if CFG.inmem_serialization: self.delete_tempFiles() # these files are needed later in Python execution mode self.MetaObj.Dataname = previous_dataname # /vsi.. pointing directly to raw data archive (which exists)
[docs] def calc_corner_positions(self): """Get true corner positions in the form [UL, UR, LL, LR] as [(ULrow,ULcol),(URrow,URcol),...],[(ULLon,ULLat),(URLon,URLat),..]""" # set lonlat corner positions for outer image edges rows, cols = self.shape_fullArr[:2] CorPosXY = [(0, 0), (cols, 0), (0, rows), (cols, rows)] gt = self.mask_nodata.geotransform # using EPSG code ensures that exactly the same WKT code is used in case of in-mem and disk serialization prj = EPSG2WKT(self.mask_nodata.epsg) CorLatLon = pixelToLatLon(CorPosXY, geotransform=gt, projection=prj) self.corner_lonlat = [tuple(reversed(i)) for i in CorLatLon] # set true data corner positions (image coordinates) assert self.arr_shape == 'cube', 'The given GMS object must represent the full image cube for calculating ,' \ 'true corner posistions. Received %s.' % self.arr_shape assert hasattr(self, 'mask_nodata') and self.mask_nodata is not None, "The L1A object needs to have a nodata mask."'Calculating true data corner positions (image and world coordinates)...') # if'ETM+', self.sensor) and self.acq_datetime > datetime.datetime(year=2003, month=5, day=31, # tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc): if is_dataset_provided_as_fullScene(self.GMS_identifier): kw = dict(algorithm='numpy', assert_four_corners=True) else: kw = dict(algorithm='shapely', assert_four_corners=False) self.trueDataCornerPos = calc_FullDataset_corner_positions(self.mask_nodata, **kw) # set true data corner positions (lon/lat coordinates) trueCorPosXY = [tuple(reversed(i)) for i in self.trueDataCornerPos] trueCorLatLon = pixelToLatLon(trueCorPosXY, geotransform=gt, projection=prj) self.trueDataCornerLonLat = [tuple(reversed(i)) for i in trueCorLatLon] # set true data corner positions (UTM coordinates) # calculate trueDataCornerUTM if isProjectedOrGeographic(prj) == 'projected': data_corners_utmYX = [imYX2mapYX(imYX, gt=gt) for imYX in self.trueDataCornerPos] self.trueDataCornerUTM = [(YX[1], YX[0]) for YX in data_corners_utmYX] # set full scene corner positions (image and lonlat coordinates) if is_dataset_provided_as_fullScene(self.GMS_identifier): assert len(self.trueDataCornerLonLat) == 4, \ "Dataset %s (entity ID %s) is provided as full scene. Thus exactly 4 image corners must be present " \ "within the dataset. Found %s corners instead."\ % (self.scene_ID, self.entity_ID, len(self.trueDataCornerLonLat)) self.fullSceneCornerPos = self.trueDataCornerPos self.fullSceneCornerLonLat = self.trueDataCornerLonLat else: if'AVNIR', self.sensor): self.fullSceneCornerPos = calc_FullDataset_corner_positions(self.mask_nodata, algorithm='numpy', assert_four_corners=False) # set true data corner positions (lon/lat coordinates) trueCorPosXY = [tuple(reversed(i)) for i in self.trueDataCornerPos] trueCorLatLon = pixelToLatLon(trueCorPosXY, geotransform=gt, projection=prj) self.fullSceneCornerLonLat = [tuple(reversed(i)) for i in trueCorLatLon] else: # RapidEye or Sentinel-2 data if'Sentinel-2', self.satellite): # get fullScene corner coordinates by database query # -> calculate footprints for all granules of the same S2 datatake # -> merge them and calculate overall corner positions self.fullSceneCornerPos = [tuple(reversed(i)) for i in CorPosXY] # outer corner positions self.fullSceneCornerLonLat = self.corner_lonlat # outer corner positions else: # RapidEye raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
[docs] def calc_center_AcqTime(self): """Calculate scene acquisition time if not given in provider metadata.""" if self.MetaObj.AcqTime == '': self.MetaObj.calc_center_acquisition_time(self.fullSceneCornerLonLat, self.logger) # update timestamp self.acq_datetime = self.MetaObj.AcqDateTime
[docs] def calc_orbit_overpassParams(self): """Calculate orbit parameters.""" if is_dataset_provided_as_fullScene(self.GMS_identifier): self.MetaObj.overpassDurationSec, self.MetaObj.scene_length = \ self.MetaObj.get_overpassDuration_SceneLength( self.fullSceneCornerLonLat, self.fullSceneCornerPos, self.shape_fullArr, self.logger)
[docs] def add_rasterInfo_to_MetaObj(self, custom_rasObj=None): """ Add the attributes 'rows','cols','bands','map_info','projection' and 'physUnit' to self.MetaObj """ # TODO is this info still needed in MetaObj? project_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) if self.MetaObj.Dataname.startswith('/vsi'): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.path_archive)) rasObj = custom_rasObj if custom_rasObj else GEOP.GEOPROCESSING(self.MetaObj.Dataname, self.logger) self.MetaObj.add_rasObj_dims_projection_physUnit(rasObj, self.dict_LayerOptTherm, self.logger) prj_type = rasObj.get_projection_type() assert prj_type, "Projections other than LonLat or UTM are currently not supported. Got. %s." % prj_type if prj_type == 'LonLat': self.MetaObj.CornerTieP_LonLat = rasObj.get_corner_coordinates('LonLat') else: # UTM self.MetaObj.CornerTieP_UTM = rasObj.get_corner_coordinates('UTM') if self.MetaObj.Dataname.startswith('/vsi'): # only if everthing is kept in memory os.chdir(project_dir) self.MetaObj.bands = 1 if len(self.arr.shape) == 2 else self.arr.shape[2] = mapinfo2geotransform(self.MetaObj.map_info) if not self.arr.prj: self.arr.prj = self.MetaObj.projection # must be set here because nodata mask has been computed from self.arr without geoinfos: = self.mask_nodata.prj = self.arr.prj
[docs] def update_spec_vals_according_to_dtype(self, dtype=None): """Update self.MetaObj.spec_vals. :param dtype: <str> or <numpy data type> The data type to be used for updating. If not specified the data type of self.arr is used. """ if dtype is None: if hasattr(self, 'arr') and isinstance(self.arr, np.ndarray): dtype = self.arr.dtype else: arr = gdalnumeric.LoadFile(self.arr, 0, 0, 1, 1) if hasattr(self, 'arr') and isinstance(self.arr, str) else \ gdalnumeric.LoadFile(self.MetaObj.Dataname, 0, 0, 1, 1) assert arr is not None dtype = arr.dtype self.MetaObj.spec_vals['fill'], self.MetaObj.spec_vals['zero'], self.MetaObj.spec_vals['saturated'] = \ get_outFillZeroSaturated(dtype) self.arr.nodata = self.MetaObj.spec_vals['fill']
[docs] def calc_mean_VAA(self): """Calculates mean viewing azimuth angle using sensor flight line derived from full scene corner coordinates.""" if is_dataset_provided_as_fullScene(self.GMS_identifier): self.VAA_mean = \ GEOP.calc_VAA_using_fullSceneCornerLonLat(self.fullSceneCornerLonLat, self.MetaObj.orbitParams) else: # e.g. Sentinel-2 / RapidEye self.logger.debug('No precise calculation of mean viewing azimuth angle possible because orbit track ' 'cannot be reconstructed from dataset since full scene corner positions are unknown. ' 'Mean VAA angle is filled with the mean value of the viewing azimuth array provided ' 'in metadata.') self.VAA_mean = self.MetaObj.IncidenceAngle'Calculation of mean VAA...: %s' % round(self.VAA_mean, 2))