Source code for gms_preprocessing.misc.definition_dicts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# gms_preprocessing, spatial and spectral homogenization of satellite remote sensing data
# Copyright (C) 2020  Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Please note the following exception: `gms_preprocessing` depends on tqdm, which
# is distributed under the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v2.0 except for the files
# "tqdm/", "", "README.rst", "" and ".gitignore".
# Details can be found here:
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program.  If not, see <>.

import collections
import re

import numpy as np
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue

from ..options.config import GMS_config as CFG

    from ..model.gms_object import GMS_identifier  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue

__author__ = 'Daniel Scheffler'

dtype_lib_Python_IDL = {'bool_': 0, 'uint8': 1, 'int8': 1, 'int_': 1, 'int16': 2, 'uint16': 12, 'int32': 3,
                        'uint32': 13, 'int64': 14, 'uint64': 15, 'float32': 4, 'float64': 5, 'complex_': 6,
                        'complex64': 9}
dtype_lib_IDL_Python = {0: np.bool_, 1: np.uint8, 2: np.int16, 3: np.int32, 4: np.float32, 5: np.float64,
                        6: np.complex64, 9: np.complex128, 12: np.uint16, 13: np.uint32, 14: np.int64, 15: np.uint64}
dtype_lib_GDAL_Python = {"uint8": 1, "int8": 1, "uint16": 2, "int16": 3, "uint32": 4, "int32": 5, "float32": 6,
                         "float64": 7, "complex64": 10, "complex128": 11}
proc_chain = ['L1A', 'L1B', 'L1C', 'L2A', 'L2B', 'L2C']
db_jobs_statistics_def = {'pending': 1, 'started': 2, None: 2, 'L1A': 3, 'L1B': 4, 'L1C': 5, 'L2A': 6, 'L2B': 7,
                          'L2C': 8, 'FAILED': 9}  # NOTE: OrderedDicts passed to L1A_map have proc_level=None
bandslist_all_errors = ['ac_errors', 'mask_clouds_confidence', 'spat_homo_errors', 'spec_homo_errors']

[docs]def get_GMS_sensorcode(GMS_id): # type: (GMS_identifier) -> str Satellite, Sensor, Subsystem = (GMS_id.satellite, GMS_id.sensor, GMS_id.subsystem) Sensor = Sensor[:-1] if re.match(r'SPOT', Satellite, re.I) and Sensor[-1] not in ['1', '2'] else Sensor meta_sensorcode = Satellite + '_' + Sensor + ('_' + Subsystem if Subsystem not in ["", None] else "") sensorcode_dic = { 'ALOS_AVNIR-2': 'AVNIR-2', 'Landsat-4_TM': 'TM4', # call from layerstacker 'Landsat-4_TM_SAM': 'TM4', # call from metadata object 'Landsat-5_TM': 'TM5', 'Landsat-5_TM_SAM': 'TM5', 'Landsat-7_ETM+': 'TM7', 'Landsat-7_ETM+_SAM': 'TM7', 'Landsat-8_OLI': 'LDCM', 'Landsat-8_OLI_TIRS': 'LDCM', 'Landsat-8_LDCM': 'LDCM', 'SPOT-1_HRV1': 'SPOT1a', # MS 'SPOT-1_HRV2': 'SPOT1b', 'SPOT-2_HRV1': 'SPOT2a', 'SPOT-2_HRV2': 'SPOT2b', 'SPOT-3_HRV1': 'SPOT3a', 'SPOT-3_HRV2': 'SPOT3b', 'SPOT-4_HRVIR1': 'SPOT4a', 'SPOT-4_HRVIR2': 'SPOT4b', 'SPOT-5_HRG1': 'SPOT5a', # PAN HRG2A 'SPOT-5_HRG2': 'SPOT5b', # MS HRG2J 'RapidEye-1_MSI': 'RE1', 'RapidEye-2_MSI': 'RE2', 'RapidEye-3_MSI': 'RE3', 'RapidEye-4_MSI': 'RE4', 'RapidEye-5_MSI': 'RE5', 'SRTM_SRTM2': 'SRTM2', 'Terra_ASTER': 'AST_full', 'Terra_ASTER_VNIR1': 'AST_V1', 'Terra_ASTER_VNIR2': 'AST_V2', 'Terra_ASTER_SWIR': 'AST_S', 'Terra_ASTER_TIR': 'AST_T', 'Sentinel-2A_MSI': 'S2A_full', 'Sentinel-2B_MSI': 'S2B_full', 'Sentinel-2A_MSI_S2A10': 'S2A10', 'Sentinel-2A_MSI_S2A20': 'S2A20', 'Sentinel-2A_MSI_S2A60': 'S2A60', 'Sentinel-2B_MSI_S2B10': 'S2B10', 'Sentinel-2B_MSI_S2B20': 'S2B20', 'Sentinel-2B_MSI_S2B60': 'S2B60' } try: return sensorcode_dic[meta_sensorcode] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Sensor %s is not included in sensorcode dictionary and can not be converted into GMS ' 'sensorcode.' % meta_sensorcode)
[docs]def get_mask_classdefinition(maskname, satellite): if maskname == 'mask_nodata': return {'No data': 0, 'Data': 1} elif maskname == 'mask_clouds': legends = { 'FMASK': { 'No Data': 0, 'Clear': 1, 'Cloud': 2, 'Shadow': 3, 'Snow': 4, 'Water': 5}, # seems to be outdated: # {'Clear Land': 0, 'Clear Water': 1, 'Cloud Shadow': 2, 'Snow': 3, 'Cloud': 4, 'No data': 255} 'Classical Bayesian': { 'Clear': 10, 'Thick Clouds': 20, 'Thin Clouds': 30, 'Snow': 40}, # Classical Bayesian py_tools_ah 'SICOR': { 'Clear': 10, 'Water': 20, 'Shadow': 30, 'Cirrus': 40, 'Cloud': 50, 'Snow': 60} # SICOR } return legends[CFG.cloud_masking_algorithm[satellite]] else: raise ValueError("'%s' is not a supported mask name." % maskname)
[docs]def get_mask_colormap(maskname): if maskname == 'mask_clouds': # return collections.OrderedDict(zip(['No data','Clear','Thick Clouds','Thin Clouds','Snow','Unknown Class'], # [[0,0,0] ,[0,255,0],[80,80,80], [175,175,175],[255,255,255],[255,0,0]])) return collections.OrderedDict(( ('No data', [0, 0, 0]), ('Clear', [0, 255, 0]), ('Water', [0, 0, 255]), ('Shadow', [50, 50, 50]), ('Cirrus', [175, 175, 175]), ('Cloud', [80, 80, 80]), ('Snow', [255, 255, 255]), ('Unknown Class', [255, 0, 0]),)) else: return None
[docs]def get_outFillZeroSaturated(dtype): """Returns the values for 'fill-', 'zero-' and 'saturated' pixels of an image to be written with regard to the target data type. :param dtype: data type of the image to be written""" dtype = str(np.dtype(dtype)) assert dtype in ['bool', 'int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'float32'], \ "get_outFillZeroSaturated: Unknown dType: '%s'." % dtype dict_outFill = {'bool': None, 'int8': -128, 'uint8': 0, 'int16': -9999, 'uint16': 9999, 'float32': -9999.} dict_outZero = {'bool': None, 'int8': 0, 'uint8': 1, 'int16': 0, 'uint16': 0, 'float32': 0.} dict_outSaturated = {'bool': None, 'int8': 127, 'uint8': 256, 'int16': 32767, 'uint16': 65535, 'float32': 65535.} return dict_outFill[dtype], dict_outZero[dtype], dict_outSaturated[dtype]
[docs]def is_dataset_provided_as_fullScene(GMS_id): # type: (GMS_identifier) -> bool """Returns True if the dataset belonging to the given GMS_identifier is provided as full scene and returns False if it is provided as multiple tiles. :param GMS_id: :return: """ sensorcode = get_GMS_sensorcode(GMS_id) dict_fullScene_or_tiles = { 'AVNIR-2': True, 'AST_full': True, 'AST_V1': True, 'AST_V2': True, 'AST_S': True, 'AST_T': True, 'TM4': True, 'TM5': True, 'TM7': True, 'LDCM': True, 'SPOT1a': True, 'SPOT2a': True, 'SPOT3a': True, 'SPOT4a': True, 'SPOT5a': True, 'SPOT1b': True, 'SPOT2b': True, 'SPOT3b': True, 'SPOT4b': True, 'SPOT5b': True, 'RE5': False, 'S2A_full': False, 'S2A10': False, 'S2A20': False, 'S2A60': False, 'S2B_full': False, 'S2B10': False, 'S2B20': False, 'S2B60': False, } return dict_fullScene_or_tiles[sensorcode]
[docs]def datasetid_to_sat_sen(dsid): # type: (int) -> tuple conv_dict = { 8: ('Terra', 'ASTER'), # ASTER L1B 104: ('Landsat-8', 'OLI_TIRS'), # pre-collection-ID 108: ('Landsat-5', 'TM'), # pre-collection-ID 112: ('Landsat-7', 'ETM+'), # pre-collection-ID SLC-off 113: ('Landsat-7', 'ETM+'), # pre-collection-ID SLC-on 189: ('Terra', 'ASTER'), # ASTER L1T 249: ('Sentinel-2A', 'MSI'), # actually only Sentinel-2 250: ('Landsat-8', 'OLI_TIRS'), 251: ('Landsat-7', 'ETM+'), 252: ('Landsat-5', 'TM'), # also includes Landsat-4 } try: return conv_dict[dsid] except KeyError: raise ValueError('No satellite / sensor tuple available for dataset ID %s.' % dsid)
[docs]def sat_sen_to_datasetid(satellite, sensor): # type: (str, str) -> int conv_dict = { ('Landsat-5', 'TM'): 252, ('Landsat-7', 'ETM+'): 251, ('Landsat-8', 'OLI_TIRS'): 250, ('Sentinel-2A', 'MSI'): 249, ('Sentinel-2B', 'MSI'): 249, ('Terra', 'ASTER'): 189 # ASTER L1T } try: return conv_dict[(satellite, sensor)] except KeyError: raise ValueError('No dataset ID available for %s %s.' % (satellite, sensor))