Source code for gms_preprocessing.misc.path_generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# gms_preprocessing, spatial and spectral homogenization of satellite remote sensing data
# Copyright (C) 2020  Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Please note the following exception: `gms_preprocessing` depends on tqdm, which
# is distributed under the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v2.0 except for the files
# "tqdm/", "", "README.rst", "" and ".gitignore".
# Details can be found here:
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program.  If not, see <>.

import collections
import glob
import os
import re
import tempfile
import warnings
import uuid
from logging import Logger
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue

from ..options.config import GMS_config as CFG
from .definition_dicts import get_GMS_sensorcode

    from ..model.gms_object import GMS_identifier  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue

# get_scene_and_dataset_infos_from_postgreSQLdb # inline in order to avoid circular dependencies

__author__ = 'Daniel Scheffler'

[docs]class path_generator(object): """Methods return absolute paths corresponding to the input object. To be instanced with the dict of a L1A/L1B/... object or a list with the attributes below. If 'scene_ID' (integer) is passed to kwargs, all eventually given args are ignored. Instead they are retrieved from postgreSQLdb.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'scene_ID' in kwargs: from .database_tools import get_scene_and_dataset_infos_from_postgreSQLdb args = [get_scene_and_dataset_infos_from_postgreSQLdb(kwargs['scene_ID'])] # return [dict] assert len(args) in [1, 8, 9], "Received invalid length of 'args' argument." isdict = True if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0] in [dict, collections.OrderedDict]) else False if not isdict and len(args) == 8: args += (None,) # set logger to None if not given in tuple elif isdict and 'logger' not in args[0]: args[0].update({'logger': None}) # set logger to None if not given in dict argsdict = args[0] if isdict else dict(zip(['proc_level', 'image_type', 'satellite', 'sensor', 'subsystem', 'acq_datetime', 'entity_ID', 'filename', 'logger'], list(args))) self.proc_level = kwargs.get('proc_level', argsdict['proc_level']) self.image_type = argsdict['image_type'] self.satellite = argsdict['satellite'] # sensor: database distinguishes SLC_OFF and SLC_ON but file structure not self.sensor = argsdict['sensor'] if not argsdict['sensor'] in ['ETM+_SLC_OFF', 'ETM+_SLC_ON'] else 'ETM+' self.subsystem = argsdict['subsystem'] self.AcqDate = argsdict['acq_datetime'] self.entity_ID = argsdict['entity_ID'] self.filename = argsdict['filename'] self.logger = argsdict['logger'] self.MGRS_info = kwargs.get('MGRS_info', None) def __getstate__(self): """Defines how the attributes of path_generator are pickled.""" if self.logger not in [None, 'not set']: self.logger.close() self.logger = None return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, ObjDict): """Defines how the attributes of GMS object are unpickled.""" self.__dict__ = ObjDict
[docs] def get_path_rawdata(self): """Returns the folder of all downloaded data for the current scene.""" if self.sensor and, 'SRTM', re.I): return os.path.join(CFG.path_archive, self.satellite, self.sensor, self.subsystem) # FIXME downloader should store data into sensor folder else: return os.path.join(CFG.path_archive, self.satellite, self.sensor)
[docs] def get_path_procdata(self): """Returns the target folder of all processed data for the current scene.""" pOrd = (CFG.path_procdata_MGRS, 'virtual_sensor_id_%s' % CFG.virtual_sensor_id, self.MGRS_info['grid1mil'], self.MGRS_info['grid100k'], self.entity_ID) if self.MGRS_info else \ (CFG.path_procdata_scenes, self.satellite, self.sensor, self.entity_ID) return os.path.join(*pOrd)
[docs] def get_baseN(self, merged_subsystems=False): """Returns the basename belonging to the given scene. :param merged_subsystems: if True, a subsystem is not included in the returned basename (usefor for merged subsystems in L2A+) """ if self.subsystem and not merged_subsystems: items2include = (self.satellite, self.sensor, self.subsystem, self.entity_ID) else: items2include = (self.satellite, self.sensor, self.entity_ID) if self.MGRS_info: items2include += (self.MGRS_info['tile_ID'],) return '__'.join(list(items2include))
[docs] def get_path_logfile(self, merged_subsystems=False): """Returns the path of the logfile belonging to the given scene, e.g. '/path/to/file/file.log'. :param merged_subsystems: if True, a subsystem is not included in the returned logfile path (usefor for merged subsystems in L2A+) """ return os.path.join(self.get_path_procdata(), self.get_baseN(merged_subsystems=merged_subsystems) + '.log')
[docs] def get_local_archive_path_baseN(self): """Returns the path of the downloaded raw data archive, e.g. '/path/to/file/file.tar.gz'.""" folder_rawdata = self.get_path_rawdata() self.filename = self.filename if self.filename else self.entity_ID if os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder_rawdata, self.filename)): outP = os.path.join(folder_rawdata, self.filename) else: extensions_found = [ext for ext in ['.tar.gz', '.zip', '.hdf'] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder_rawdata, '%s%s' % (self.filename, ext)))] if extensions_found: assert len(extensions_found) > 0, \ 'The dataset %s.* cannot be found at %s' % (self.filename, folder_rawdata) assert len(extensions_found) == 1, "The folder %s contains multiple files identified as raw data " \ "to be processed. Choosing first one.." % folder_rawdata outP = os.path.join(folder_rawdata, '%s%s' % (self.filename, extensions_found[0])) else: if self.filename.endswith('.SAFE') and \ os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder_rawdata, os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0]) + '.zip'): outP = os.path.join(folder_rawdata, os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0]) + '.zip' # FIXME Bug in Datenbank else: raise FileNotFoundError('The dataset %s.* cannot be found at %s' % (self.filename, folder_rawdata)) # TODO DOWNLOAD COMMAND return outP
[docs] def get_path_gmsfile(self): """Returns the path of the .gms file belonging to the given processing level, e.g. '/path/to/file/file.gms'.""" return os.path.join(self.get_path_procdata(), '%s_%s.gms' % (self.get_baseN(), self.proc_level))
[docs] def get_path_imagedata(self): """Returns the path of the .bsq file belonging to the given processing level, e.g. '/path/to/file/file.bsq'.""" return os.path.join(self.get_path_procdata(), '%s_image_data_%s.bsq' % (self.get_baseN(), self.proc_level))
[docs] def get_path_maskdata(self): """Returns the path of the *_masks_*.bsq file belonging to the given processing level, e.g. '/path/to/file/file_masks_L1A.bsq'.""" return os.path.join(self.get_path_procdata(), '%s_masks_%s.bsq' % (self.get_baseN(), self.proc_level))
[docs] def get_path_cloudmaskdata(self): """Returns the path of the *_mask_clouds_*.bsq file belonging to the given processing level, e.g. '/path/to/file/file_mask_clouds_L1A.bsq'.""" return os.path.join(self.get_path_procdata(), '%s_mask_clouds_%s.bsq' % (self.get_baseN(), self.proc_level))
[docs] def get_path_accuracylayers(self): """Returns the path of the *_accuracy_layers_*.bsq file, e.g., '/path/to/file/file_accuracy_layers_L2C.bsq'. NOTE: Accuracy layers are only present in L2C. """ if self.proc_level == 'L2C': return os.path.join(self.get_path_procdata(), '%s_accuracy_layers_%s.bsq' % (self.get_baseN(), self.proc_level))
[docs] def get_path_tempdir(self): path_archive = self.get_local_archive_path_baseN() RootName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_archive))[0] RootName = os.path.splitext(RootName)[0] if os.path.splitext(RootName)[1] else RootName RootName += '__' + uuid.uuid4().hex # add a hex code in order to get uniqueness return os.path.join(CFG.path_tempdir, RootName, self.sensor, self.subsystem) \ if self.subsystem else os.path.join(CFG.path_tempdir, RootName, self.sensor)
[docs] def get_outPath_hdr(self, attrName2write): # type: (str) -> str """Returns the output path for the given attribute to be written. :param attrName2write: <str> name of the GMS object attribute to be written""" outNameSuffix = 'image_data' if attrName2write == 'arr' else attrName2write outNameHdr = '%s_%s_%s.hdr' % (self.get_baseN(), outNameSuffix, self.proc_level) if outNameSuffix else \ '%s_%s.hdr' % (self.get_baseN(), self.proc_level) return os.path.join(self.get_path_procdata(), outNameHdr)
[docs] def get_path_ac_input_dump(self): """Returns the path of the .dill for a dump of atmospheric correction inputs, e.g. '/path/to/file/file.dill'.""" return os.path.join(self.get_path_procdata(), '%s_ac_input_%s.dill' % (self.get_baseN(), self.proc_level))
[docs] def get_pathes_all_procdata(self): # TODO image = self.get_path_imagedata() mask = self.get_path_maskdata() mask_clouds = self.get_path_cloudmaskdata() accuracylayers = self.get_path_accuracylayers() gms_file = self.get_path_gmsfile() log_file = self.get_path_logfile() all_pathes = [image, mask, mask_clouds, accuracylayers, gms_file, log_file] warnings.warn( 'get_pathes_all_procdata() is not yet completely implemented and will not return complete path list!') return all_pathes
[docs]def get_tempfile(ext=None, prefix=None, tgt_dir=None): """Returns the path to a tempfile.mkstemp() file that can be passed to any function that expects a physical path. The tempfile has to be deleted manually. :param ext: file extension (None if None) :param prefix: optional file prefix :param tgt_dir: target directory (automatically set if None) """ if tgt_dir is None: tgt_dir = CFG.path_tempdir prefix = 'GeoMultiSens__' if prefix is None else prefix fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix, suffix=ext, dir=tgt_dir) os.close(fd) return path
[docs]def get_path_cloud_class_obj(GMS_id, get_all=False): """Returns the absolute path of the the training data used by cloud classifier. :param GMS_id: :param get_all: """ GMS_sensorcode = get_GMS_sensorcode(GMS_id) satellite, sensor, logger = GMS_id.satellite, GMS_id.sensor, GMS_id.logger path_cloud_classifier_objects = CFG.path_cloud_classif obj_name_dic = { 'AVNIR-2': None, 'TM4': None, 'TM5': None, 'TM7': None, 'LDCM': None, 'SPOT1a': None, 'SPOT1b': None, 'SPOT2a': None, 'SPOT2b': None, 'SPOT3a': None, 'SPOT3b': None, 'SPOT4a': None, 'SPOT4b': None, 'SPOT5a': None, 'SPOT5b': None, 'RE5': None, 'AST_V1': None, 'AST_V2': None, 'AST_S': None, 'AST_T': None, 'S2A10': 'S2__cld_mask_20160321_s2_8l0.200_11l0.060_12l0.040_v20161124_16:41:04.h5', 'S2A20': 'S2__cld_mask_20160321_s2_8l0.200_11l0.060_12l0.040_v20161124_16:41:04.h5', 'S2A60': 'S2__cld_mask_20160321_s2_8l0.200_11l0.060_12l0.040_v20161124_16:41:04.h5', 'S2B10': 'S2__cld_mask_20160321_s2_8l0.200_11l0.060_12l0.040_v20161124_16:41:04.h5', 'S2B20': 'S2__cld_mask_20160321_s2_8l0.200_11l0.060_12l0.040_v20161124_16:41:04.h5', 'S2B60': 'S2__cld_mask_20160321_s2_8l0.200_11l0.060_12l0.040_v20161124_16:41:04.h5'} if get_all: # returns a list listClf = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_cloud_classifier_objects, '*.dill')) classifier_names = listClf if listClf != [] else None classifier_path = [os.path.join(path_cloud_classifier_objects, str(i)) for i in classifier_names] if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path_cloud_classifier_objects, classifier_path)[0]): logger.warning('Cloud masking is not yet implemented for %s %s.' % (satellite, sensor)) classifier_path = None else: try: classif_objName = obj_name_dic[GMS_sensorcode] if classif_objName: classifier_path = os.path.join(path_cloud_classifier_objects, classif_objName) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path_cloud_classifier_objects, classifier_path)): warnings.warn("Path generator expects a specific cloud mask object (%s) at %s but it does not " "exist. Are you sure that 'path_cloud_classif' has been correctly set in the config " "table of postgreSQL database and that the file is included in the repository? By " "default the classifier object should be available at " "<GMS root dir>/database/cloud_classifier/" % (classif_objName, path_cloud_classifier_objects)) logger.warning( 'Cloud masking not possible for %s %s due to environment error.' # TODO move to environment % (satellite, sensor)) classifier_path = None else: logger.warning('Cloud masking is not yet implemented for %s %s.' % (satellite, sensor)) classifier_path = None except KeyError: logger.warning("Sensorcode '%s' is not included in sensorcode dictionary and can not be converted into GMS " "sensorcode." % GMS_sensorcode) classifier_path = None return classifier_path
[docs]def get_path_snr_model(GMS_id): # type: (GMS_identifier) -> str """Returns the absolute path of the SNR model for the given sensor. :param GMS_id: """ satellite, sensor = (GMS_id.satellite, GMS_id.sensor) satellite = 'RapidEye' if re.match(r'RapidEye', satellite, re.I) else satellite sensor = sensor[:-1] if re.match(r'SPOT', satellite, re.I) and sensor[-1] not in ['1', '2'] else sensor return os.path.join(CFG.path_SNR_models, satellite, sensor, 'SNR_model.csv')
[docs]def get_path_ac_options(GMS_id): # type: (GMS_identifier)->Union[str, None] """Returns the path of the options json file needed for atmospheric correction. """ GMSid_ac = GMS_id GMSid_ac.subsystem = '' sensorcode = get_GMS_sensorcode(GMSid_ac) ac_options_file_dic = { 'AVNIR-2': None, 'TM4': 'l8_options.json', 'TM5': 'l8_options.json', 'TM7': 'l8_options.json', # AC uses Landsat-8 options for L7 but reads only a subset of the options 'LDCM': 'l8_options.json', 'SPOT1a': None, 'SPOT1b': None, 'SPOT2a': None, 'SPOT2b': None, 'SPOT3a': None, 'SPOT3b': None, 'SPOT4a': None, 'SPOT4b': None, 'SPOT5a': None, 'SPOT5b': None, 'RE5': None, 'AST_full': None, 'S2A_full': 's2_options.json', 'S2B_full': 's2_options.json', } try: fName_optFile = ac_options_file_dic[get_GMS_sensorcode(GMS_id)] except KeyError: GMS_id.logger.warning( "Sensorcode '%s' is not included in ac_options dictionary. " "Thus atmospheric correction is not available for the current scene." % sensorcode) fName_optFile = None if fName_optFile: from sicor import options path_ac = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(options.__file__), fName_optFile) # validate logger = GMS_id.logger or Logger(__name__) if not os.path.exists(path_ac): logger.warning('Could not locate options file for atmospheric correction at %s.' % path_ac) return path_ac else: return None