.. _ref__add_new_data_to_the_database: Add new data to the database ---------------------------- There are three ways to add new satellite data to the locally stored database. You can use the **WebUI**, you can run the **data downloader** from the command line or you **add the data manually**. In each case, two steps have to be carried out: * the downloaded provider archive data need to be physically copied to the **data storage directory** on disk * the respective metadata entries need to be added to the GeoMultiSens **metadata database** .. hint:: Regarding the metadata entry, these conditions must be fulfilled to make GeoMultiSens recognize a dataset as properly added: * the **'scenes' table** of the GeoMultiSens metadata database **must contain a corresponding entry** at all (if the entry is not there, the database needs to be updated by the metadata crawler which has to be done by the database administrator) * the **'filename' column** of the respective entry in the 'scenes' table must contain a **valid filename string** * the **'proc_status' column** of the respective entry in the 'scenes' table must at least be **'DOWNLOADED'** .. include:: ./using_the_data_downloader.rst .. include:: ./add_new_data_manually.rst