Source code for spechomo.classifier_creation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# spechomo, Spectral homogenization of multispectral satellite data
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021
# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam,
#   Germany (
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Please note the following exception: `spechomo` depends on tqdm, which is
# distributed under the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v2.0 except for the files
# "tqdm/", "", "README.rst", "" and ".gitignore".
# Details can be found here:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import re
from glob import glob
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue
import logging  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue
from itertools import product

import dill
import numpy as np
from nested_dict import nested_dict
from pandas import DataFrame
from tqdm import tqdm
from geoarray import GeoArray
from pyrsr import RSR
from pyrsr.sensorspecs import get_LayerBandsAssignment

    # avoid the sklearn imports on module level to get rid of static TLS ImportError
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Ridge
    from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

from .clustering import KMeansRSImage
from .resampling import SpectralResampler
from .training_data import RefCube
from .logging import SpecHomo_Logger
from .options import options

[docs]class ReferenceCube_Generator(object): """Class for creating reference cube that are later used as training data for SpecHomo_Classifier.""" def __init__(self, filelist_refs, tgt_sat_sen_list=None, dir_refcubes='', n_clusters=10, tgt_n_samples=1000, v=False, logger=None, CPUs=None, dir_clf_dump=''): # type: (List[str], List[Tuple[str, str]], str, int, int, bool, logging.Logger, Union[None, int], str) -> None """Initialize ReferenceCube_Generator. :param filelist_refs: list of (hyperspectral) reference images, representing BOA reflectance, scaled between 0 and 10000 :param tgt_sat_sen_list: list satellite/sensor tuples containing those sensors for which the reference cube is to be computed, e.g. [('Landsat-8', 'OLI_TIRS',), ('Landsat-5', 'TM')] :param dir_refcubes: output directory for the generated reference cube :param n_clusters: number of clusters to be used for clustering the input images (KMeans) :param tgt_n_samples: number o spectra to be collected from each input image :param v: verbose mode :param logger: instance of logging.Logger() :param CPUs: number CPUs to use for computation :param dir_clf_dump: directory where to store the serialized KMeans classifier """ if not filelist_refs: raise ValueError('The given list of reference images is empty.') # args + kwargs self.ims_ref = [filelist_refs, ] if isinstance(filelist_refs, str) else filelist_refs self.tgt_sat_sen_list = tgt_sat_sen_list or [ ('Landsat-8', 'OLI_TIRS'), ('Landsat-7', 'ETM+'), ('Landsat-5', 'TM'), ('Sentinel-2A', 'MSI'), # ('Terra', 'ASTER'), # currently does not work ('SPOT-4', 'HRVIR1'), ('SPOT-4', 'HRVIR2'), ('SPOT-5', 'HRG1'), ('SPOT-5', 'HRG2'), ('RapidEye-5', 'MSI') ] self.dir_refcubes = os.path.abspath(dir_refcubes) if dir_refcubes else '' self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.tgt_n_samples = tgt_n_samples self.v = v self.logger = logger or SpecHomo_Logger(__name__) # must be pickable self.CPUs = CPUs or cpu_count() self.dir_clf_dump = dir_clf_dump # privates self._refcubes = \ {(sat, sen): RefCube(satellite=sat, sensor=sen, LayerBandsAssignment=self._get_tgt_LayerBandsAssignment(sat, sen)) for sat, sen in self.tgt_sat_sen_list} if dir_refcubes and not os.path.isdir(self.dir_refcubes): os.makedirs(self.dir_refcubes) @property def refcubes(self): # type: () -> Dict[Tuple[str, str]: RefCube] """Return a dict holding instances of RefCube for each target satellite / sensor of self.tgt_sat_sen_list.""" if not self._refcubes: # fill self._ref_cubes with GeoArray instances of already existing reference cubes read from disk if self.dir_refcubes: for path_refcube in glob(os.path.join(self.dir_refcubes, 'refcube__*.bsq')): # TODO check if that really works # check if current refcube path matches the target refcube specifications identifier ='refcube__(.*).bsq', os.path.basename(path_refcube)).group(1) sat, sen, nclust_str, nsamp_str = identifier.split('__') # type: str nclust, nsamp = int(nclust_str.split('nclust')[1]), int(nsamp_str.split('nclust')[1]) correct_specs = all([(sat, sen) in self.tgt_sat_sen_list, nclust == self.n_clusters, nsamp == self.tgt_n_samples]) # import the existing ref cube if it matches the target refcube specs if correct_specs: self._refcubes[(sat, sen)] = \ RefCube(satellite=sat, sensor=sen, filepath=path_refcube, LayerBandsAssignment=self._get_tgt_LayerBandsAssignment(sat, sen)) return self._refcubes @staticmethod def _get_tgt_LayerBandsAssignment(tgt_sat, tgt_sen): # type: (str, str) -> list """Get the LayerBandsAssignment for the specified target sensor. NOTE: The returned bands list always contains all possible bands. Panchromatic bands or bands not available after atmospheric correction are removed. Further band selections are later done using np.take(). NOTE: We don't use L1A here because the signal of the additional bands at L1A is not predictable by spectral harmonization as these bands are not driven by surface albedo but by atmospheric conditions (945, 1373nm). :param tgt_sat: target satellite :param tgt_sen: target sensor :return: """ return get_LayerBandsAssignment(tgt_sat, tgt_sen, no_pan=False, no_thermal=True, sort_by_cwl=True, after_ac=True) @staticmethod def _get_tgt_RSR_object(tgt_sat, tgt_sen): # type: (str, str) -> RSR """Get an RSR instance containing the spectral response functions for the target sensor. :param tgt_sat: target satellite :param tgt_sen: target sensor :return: """ return RSR(tgt_sat, tgt_sen, no_pan=False, no_thermal=True, after_ac=True)
[docs] def generate_reference_cubes(self, fmt_out='ENVI', try_read_dumped_clf=True, sam_classassignment=False, max_distance='80%', max_angle=6, nmin_unique_spectra=50, alg_nodata='radical', progress=True): # type: (str, bool, bool, int, Union[int, float, str], Union[int, float, str], str, bool) -> ReferenceCube_Generator.refcubes # noqa """Generate reference spectra from all hyperspectral input images. Workflow: 1. Clustering/classification of hyperspectral images and selection of a given number of random signatures (a. Spectral downsamling to lower spectral resolution (speedup)) b. KMeans clustering c. Selection of the same number of signatures from each cluster to avoid unequal amount of training data. 2. Spectral resampling of the selected hyperspectral signatures (for each input image) 3. Add resampled spectra to reference cubes for each target sensor and write cubes to disk :param fmt_out: output format (GDAL driver code) :param try_read_dumped_clf: try to read a prediciouly serialized KMeans classifier from disk (massively speeds up the RefCube generation) :param sam_classassignment: False: use minimal euclidian distance to assign classes to cluster centers True: use the minimal spectral angle to assign classes to cluster centers :param max_distance: spectra with a larger spectral distance than the given value will be excluded from random sampling. - if given as string like '20%', the maximum spectral distance is computed as 20% percentile within each cluster :param max_angle: spectra with a larger spectral angle than the given value will be excluded from random sampling. - if given as string like '20%', the maximum spectral angle is computed as 20% percentile within each cluster :param nmin_unique_spectra: in case a cluster has less than the given number, do not include it in the reference cube (default: 50) :param alg_nodata: algorithm how to deal with pixels where the spectral bands of the source image contain nodata within the spectral response of a target band 'radical': set output band to nodata 'conservative': use existing spectral information and ignore nodata (might alter the output spectral information, e.g., at spectral absorption bands) :param progress: show progress bar (default: True) :return: np.array: [tgt_n_samples x images x spectral bands of the target sensor] """ for im in self.ims_ref: # type: Union[str, GeoArray] # TODO implement check if current image is already included in the refcube -> skip in that case src_im = GeoArray(im) # get random spectra of the original (hyperspectral) image, equally distributed over all computed clusters baseN = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(im))[0] if isinstance(im, str) else im.basename unif_random_spectra = \ self.cluster_image_and_get_uniform_spectra(src_im, try_read_dumped_clf=try_read_dumped_clf, sam_classassignment=sam_classassignment, max_distance=max_distance, max_angle=max_angle, nmin_unique_spectra=nmin_unique_spectra, progress=progress, basename_clf_dump=baseN).astype(np.int16) # resample the set of random spectra to match the spectral characteristics of all target sensors for tgt_sat, tgt_sen in self.tgt_sat_sen_list: # perform spectral resampling'Performing spectral resampling to match %s %s specifications...' % (tgt_sat, tgt_sen)) unif_random_spectra_rsp = self.resample_spectra( unif_random_spectra, src_cwl=np.array(src_im.meta.band_meta['wavelength'], dtype=float).flatten(), tgt_rsr=self._get_tgt_RSR_object(tgt_sat, tgt_sen), nodataVal=src_im.nodata, alg_nodata=alg_nodata) # add the spectra as GeoArray instance to the in-mem ref cubes refcube = self.refcubes[(tgt_sat, tgt_sen)] # type: RefCube refcube.add_spectra(unif_random_spectra_rsp, src_imname=src_im.basename, LayerBandsAssignment=self._get_tgt_LayerBandsAssignment(tgt_sat, tgt_sen)) # update the reference cubes on disk if self.dir_refcubes:, 'refcube__%s__%s__nclust%s__nsamp%s.bsq' % (tgt_sat, tgt_sen, self.n_clusters, self.tgt_n_samples)), fmt=fmt_out) return self.refcubes
[docs] def cluster_image_and_get_uniform_spectra(self, im, downsamp_sat=None, downsamp_sen=None, basename_clf_dump='', try_read_dumped_clf=True, sam_classassignment=False, max_distance='80%', max_angle=6, nmin_unique_spectra=50, progress=False): # type: (Union[str, GeoArray, np.ndarray], str, str, str, bool, bool, int, Union[int, float, str], Union[int, float, str], bool) -> np.ndarray # noqa """Compute KMeans clusters for the given image and return the an array of uniform random samples. :param im: image to be clustered :param downsamp_sat: satellite code used for intermediate image dimensionality reduction (input image is spectrally resampled to this satellite before it is clustered). requires downsamp_sen. If it is None, no intermediate downsampling is performed. :param downsamp_sen: sensor code used for intermediate image dimensionality reduction (requires downsamp_sat) :param basename_clf_dump: basename of serialized KMeans classifier :param try_read_dumped_clf: try to read a previously serialized KMeans classifier from disk (massively speeds up the RefCube generation) :param sam_classassignment: False: use minimal euclidian distance to assign classes to cluster centers True: use the minimal spectral angle to assign classes to cluster centers :param max_distance: spectra with a larger spectral distance than the given value will be excluded from random sampling. - if given as string like '20%', the maximum spectral distance is computed as 20% percentile within each cluster :param max_angle: spectra with a larger spectral angle than the given value will be excluded from random sampling. - if given as string like '20%', the maximum spectral angle is computed as 20% percentile within each cluster :param nmin_unique_spectra: in case a cluster has less than the given number, do not include it in the reference cube (default: 50) :param progress: whether to show progress bars or not :return: 2D array (rows: tgt_n_samples, columns: spectral information / bands """ # input validation if downsamp_sat and not downsamp_sen or downsamp_sen and not downsamp_sat: raise ValueError("The parameters 'spec_rsp_sat' and 'spec_rsp_sen' must both be provided or completely " "omitted.") im2clust = GeoArray(im) # get a KMeans classifier for the hyperspectral image path_clf = os.path.join(self.dir_clf_dump, '%s__KMeansClf.dill' % basename_clf_dump) if not sam_classassignment: path_clustermap = os.path.join(self.dir_clf_dump, '%s__KMeansClusterMap_nclust%d.bsq' % (basename_clf_dump, self.n_clusters)) else: path_clustermap = os.path.join(self.dir_clf_dump, '%s__SAMClusterMap_nclust%d.bsq' % (basename_clf_dump, self.n_clusters)) if try_read_dumped_clf and os.path.isfile(path_clf): # read the previously dumped classifier from disk'Reading previously serialized KMeans classifier from %s...' % path_clf) kmeans = KMeansRSImage.from_disk(path_clf=path_clf, im=im2clust) else: # create KMeans classifier # first, perform spectral resampling to Sentinel-2 to reduce dimensionality (speedup) if downsamp_sat and downsamp_sen: # NOTE: The KMeansRSImage class already reduces the input data to 1 million spectra by default tgt_rsr = RSR(satellite=downsamp_sat, sensor=downsamp_sen, no_pan=True, no_thermal=True) im2clust = self.resample_image_spectrally(im2clust, tgt_rsr, progress=progress) # output = int16 # compute KMeans clusters for the spectrally resampled image # NOTE: Nodata values are ignored during KMeans clustering.'Computing %s KMeans clusters from the input image %s...' % (self.n_clusters, im2clust.basename)) kmeans = KMeansRSImage(im2clust, n_clusters=self.n_clusters, sam_classassignment=sam_classassignment, CPUs=self.CPUs, v=self.v) kmeans.compute_clusters() kmeans.compute_spectral_distances() if self.dir_clf_dump and basename_clf_dump: kmeans.save_clustermap(path_clustermap) kmeans.dump(path_clf) if self.v: kmeans.plot_cluster_centers() kmeans.plot_cluster_histogram() # randomly grab the given number of spectra from each cluster, restricted to the 30 % purest spectra # -> no spectra containing nodata values are returned'Getting %s random spectra from each cluster...' % (self.tgt_n_samples // self.n_clusters)) random_samples = kmeans.get_random_spectra_from_each_cluster(samplesize=self.tgt_n_samples // self.n_clusters, max_distance=max_distance, max_angle=max_angle, nmin_unique_spectra=nmin_unique_spectra) # random_samples = kmeans\ # .get_purest_spectra_from_each_cluster(src_im=GeoArray(im), # samplesize=self.tgt_n_samples // self.n_clusters) # combine the spectra (2D arrays) of all clusters to a single 2D array'Combining random samples from all clusters.') random_samples = np.vstack([random_samples[clusterlabel] for clusterlabel in random_samples]) return random_samples
[docs] def resample_spectra(self, spectra, src_cwl, tgt_rsr, nodataVal, alg_nodata='radical'): # type: (Union[GeoArray, np.ndarray], Union[list, np.array], RSR, int, str) -> np.ndarray """Perform spectral resampling of the given image to match the given spectral response functions. :param spectra: 2D array (rows: spectral samples; columns: spectral information / bands :param src_cwl: central wavelength positions of input spectra :param tgt_rsr: target relative spectral response functions to be used for spectral resampling :param nodataVal: nodata value of the given spectra to be ignored during resampling :param alg_nodata: algorithm how to deal with pixels where the spectral bands of the source image contain nodata within the spectral response of a target band 'radical': set output band to nodata 'conservative': use existing spectral information and ignore nodata (might alter the outpur spectral information, e.g., at spectral absorption bands) :return: """ spectra = GeoArray(spectra) # perform spectral resampling of input image to match spectral properties of target sensor'Performing spectral resampling to match spectral properties of %s %s...' % (tgt_rsr.satellite, tgt_rsr.sensor)) SR = SpectralResampler(src_cwl, tgt_rsr) spectra_rsp = SR.resample_spectra(spectra, chunksize=200, nodataVal=nodataVal, alg_nodata=alg_nodata, CPUs=self.CPUs) return spectra_rsp
[docs] def resample_image_spectrally(self, src_im, tgt_rsr, src_nodata=None, alg_nodata='radical', progress=False): # type: (Union[str, GeoArray], RSR, Union[float, int], str, bool) -> Union[GeoArray, None] """Perform spectral resampling of the given image to match the given spectral response functions. :param src_im: source image to be resampled :param tgt_rsr: target relative spectral response functions to be used for spectral resampling :param src_nodata: source image nodata value :param alg_nodata: algorithm how to deal with pixels where the spectral bands of the source image contain nodata within the spectral response of a target band 'radical': set output band to nodata 'conservative': use existing spectral information and ignore nodata (might alter the output spectral information, e.g., at spectral absorption bands) :param progress: show progress bar (default: false) :return: """ # handle src_im provided as file path or GeoArray instance if isinstance(src_im, str): im_name = os.path.basename(src_im) im_gA = GeoArray(src_im, nodata=src_nodata) else: im_name = src_im.basename im_gA = src_im # read input image'Reading the input image %s...' % im_name) im_gA.cwl = np.array(im_gA.meta.band_meta['wavelength'], dtype=float).flatten() # perform spectral resampling of input image to match spectral properties of target sensor'Performing spectral resampling to match spectral properties of %s %s...' % (tgt_rsr.satellite, tgt_rsr.sensor)) SR = SpectralResampler(im_gA.cwl, tgt_rsr) tgt_im = GeoArray(np.zeros((*im_gA.shape[:2], len(tgt_rsr.bands)), dtype=np.int16),, projection=im_gA.prj, nodata=im_gA.nodata) tgt_im.meta.band_meta['wavelength'] = list(tgt_rsr.wvl) tgt_im.bandnames = ['B%s' % i if len(i) == 2 else 'B0%s' % i for i in tgt_rsr.LayerBandsAssignment] tiles = im_gA.tiles((1000, 1000)) # use tiles to save memory for ((rS, rE), (cS, cE)), tiledata in (tqdm(tiles) if progress else tiles): tgt_im[rS: rE + 1, cS: cE + 1, :] = SR.resample_image(tiledata.astype(np.int16), nodataVal=im_gA.nodata, alg_nodata=alg_nodata, CPUs=self.CPUs) return tgt_im
[docs]class ClusterClassifier_Generator(object): """Class for creating collections of machine learning classifiers that can be used for spectral homogenization.""" def __init__(self, list_refcubes, logger=None): # type: (List[Union[str, RefCube]], logging.Logger) -> None """Get an instance of Classifier_Generator. :param list_refcubes: list of RefCube instances or paths for which the classifiers are to be created. :param logger: instance of logging.Logger() """ if not list_refcubes: raise ValueError('The given list of RefCube instances or paths is empty.') self.refcubes = [RefCube(inRC) if isinstance(inRC, str) else inRC for inRC in list_refcubes] self.logger = logger or SpecHomo_Logger(__name__) # must be pickable # validation shapes = list(set([[:2] for RC in self.refcubes])) if not len(shapes) == 1: raise ValueError('Unequal dimensions of the given reference cubes: %s' % shapes) @staticmethod def _get_derived_LayerBandsAssignments(satellite, sensor): """Get a list of possible LayerBandsAssignments in which the spectral training data may be arranged. :param satellite: satellite to return LayerBandsAssignments for :param sensor: sensor to return LayerBandsAssignments for :return: e.g. for Landsat-8 OLI_TIRS: [['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '9', '6', '7'], ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '9', '6', '7', '8'], ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'], ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'], ...] """ # get bands (after AC) # NOTE: - signal of additional bands at L1A is not predictable by spectral harmonization because these bands # are not driven by surface albedo but by atmospheric conditions (945, 1373 nm) LBAs = [] kw = dict(satellite=satellite, sensor=sensor, no_thermal=True, after_ac=True) for lba in [get_LayerBandsAssignment(no_pan=False, sort_by_cwl=True, **kw), # L1C_withPan_cwlSorted get_LayerBandsAssignment(no_pan=True, sort_by_cwl=True, **kw), # L1C_noPan_cwlSorted get_LayerBandsAssignment(no_pan=False, sort_by_cwl=False, **kw), # L1C_withPan_alphabetical get_LayerBandsAssignment(no_pan=True, sort_by_cwl=False, **kw), # L1C_noPan_alphabetical ]: if lba not in LBAs: LBAs.append(lba) return LBAs
[docs] @staticmethod def train_machine_learner(train_X, train_Y, test_X, test_Y, method, **kwargs): # type: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, str, dict) -> Union[LinearRegression, Ridge, Pipeline, RandomForestRegressor] # noqa E501 (line too long) """Use the given train and test data to train a machine learner and append some accuracy statistics. :param train_X: reference training data :param train_Y: target training data :param test_X: reference test data :param test_Y: target test data :param method: type of machine learning classifiers to be included in classifier collections 'LR': Linear Regression 'RR': Ridge Regression 'QR': Quadratic Regression 'RFR': Random Forest Regression (50 trees) :param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to the __init__() function of machine learners """ from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline ################### # train the model # ################### ML = get_machine_learner(method, **kwargs), train_Y) def mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred): y_true, y_pred = np.array(y_true), np.array(y_pred) # avoid division by 0 if 0 in y_true: y_true = y_true.astype(float) y_true[y_true == 0] = np.nan return np.nanmean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true), axis=0) * 100 ########################### # compute RMSE, MAE, MAPE # ########################### from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error predicted = ML.predict(test_X) # returns 2D array (spectral samples x bands), e.g. 640 x 6 # NOTE: 'raw_values': RMSE is column-wise computed # => yields the same result as one would compute the RMSE band by band rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(test_Y, predicted, multioutput='raw_values')).astype(np.float32) mae = mean_absolute_error(test_Y, predicted, multioutput='raw_values').astype(np.float32) mape = mean_absolute_percentage_error(test_Y, predicted).astype(np.float32) # predicted_train = ML.predict(train_X) # rmse_train = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(train_Y, predicted_train, multioutput='raw_values')) # # v2 # test_Y_im = spectra2im(test_Y, tgt_rows=int(tgt_data.rows * 0.4), tgt_cols=tgt_data.cols) # pred_im = spectra2im(predicted, tgt_rows=int(tgt_data.rows * 0.4), tgt_cols=tgt_data.cols) # rmse_v2 = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(test_Y_im[:,:,1], pred_im[:,:,1])) # append some metadata ML.scores = dict(train=ML.score(train_X, train_Y), test=ML.score(test_X, test_Y)) # r2 scores ML.rmse_per_band = list(rmse) ML.mae_per_band = list(mae) ML.mape_per_band = list(mape) from .version import __version__, __versionalias__ ML.spechomo_version = __version__ ML.spechomo_versionalias = __versionalias__ # convert float64 attributes to float32 to save memory (affects <0,05% of homogenized pixels by 1 DN) for attr in ['coef_', 'intercept_', 'singular_', '_residues']: if isinstance(ML, Pipeline): # noinspection PyProtectedMember setattr(ML._final_estimator, attr, getattr(ML._final_estimator, attr).astype(np.float32)) else: try: setattr(ML, attr, getattr(ML, attr).astype(np.float32)) except AttributeError: pass return ML
[docs] def create_classifiers(self, outDir, method='LR', n_clusters=50, sam_classassignment=False, CPUs=None, max_distance=options['classifiers']['trainspec_filtering']['max_distance'], max_angle=options['classifiers']['trainspec_filtering']['max_angle'], **kwargs): # type: (str, str, int, bool, int, Union[int, str], Union[int, str], dict) -> None """Create cluster classifiers for all combinations of the reference cubes given in __init__(). :param outDir: output directory for the created cluster classifier collections :param method: type of machine learning classifiers to be included in classifier collections 'LR': Linear Regression 'RR': Ridge Regression 'QR': Quadratic Regression 'RFR': Random Forest Regression (50 trees with maximum depth of 3 by default) :param n_clusters: number of clusters to be used for KMeans clustering :param sam_classassignment: False: use minimal euclidian distance to assign classes to cluster centers True: use the minimal spectral angle to assign classes to cluster centers :param CPUs: number of CPUs to be used for KMeans clustering :param max_distance: maximum spectral distance allowed during filtering of training spectra - if given as string, e.g., '80%' excludes the worst 20 % of the input spectra :param max_angle: maximum spectral angle allowed during filtering of training spectra - if given as string, e.g., '80%' excludes the worst 20 % of the input spectra :param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to machine learner """ from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # validate and set defaults if not os.path.isdir(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir) if method == 'RFR': if n_clusters > 1: self.logger.warning("The spectral homogenization method 'Random Forest Regression' does not allow " "spectral sub-clustering. Setting 'n_clusters' to 1.") n_clusters = 1 kwargs.update(dict( n_jobs=kwargs.get('n_jobs', CPUs), n_estimators=kwargs.get('n_estimators', options['classifiers']['RFR']['n_trees']), max_depth=kwargs.get('max_depth', options['classifiers']['RFR']['max_depth']), max_features=kwargs.get('max_features', options['classifiers']['RFR']['max_features']) )) # build the classifier collections with separate classifiers for each cluster for src_cube in self.refcubes: # type: RefCube cls_collection = nested_dict() # get cluster labels for each source cube separately (as they depend on source spectral characteristics) clusterlabels_src_cube, spectral_distances, spectral_angles = \ self._get_cluster_labels_for_source_refcube(src_cube, n_clusters, CPUs, sam_classassignment=sam_classassignment, return_spectral_distances=True, return_spectral_angles=True) for tgt_cube in self.refcubes: if (src_cube.satellite, src_cube.sensor) == (tgt_cube.satellite, tgt_cube.sensor): continue"Creating %s cluster classifier to predict %s %s from %s %s..." % (method, tgt_cube.satellite, tgt_cube.sensor, src_cube.satellite, src_cube.sensor)) src_derived_LBAs = self._get_derived_LayerBandsAssignments(src_cube.satellite, src_cube.sensor) tgt_derived_LBAs = self._get_derived_LayerBandsAssignments(tgt_cube.satellite, tgt_cube.sensor) for src_LBA, tgt_LBA in product(src_derived_LBAs, tgt_derived_LBAs): self.logger.debug('Creating %s cluster classifier for LBA %s => %s...' % (method, '_'.join(src_LBA), '_'.join(tgt_LBA))) # Get center wavelength positions # NOTE: they cannot be taken from RefCube instances because they always represent after-AC-LBAs src_wavelengths = list(RSR(src_cube.satellite, src_cube.sensor, LayerBandsAssignment=src_LBA).wvl) tgt_wavelengths = list(RSR(tgt_cube.satellite, tgt_cube.sensor, LayerBandsAssignment=tgt_LBA).wvl) # Get training data for source and target image according to the given LayerBandsAssignments # e.g., source: Landsat 7 image in LBA 1__2__3__4__5__7 and target L8 in 1__2__3__4__5__6__7 df_src_spectra_allclust = src_cube.get_spectra_dataframe(src_LBA) df_tgt_spectra_allclust = tgt_cube.get_spectra_dataframe(tgt_LBA) # assign clusterlabel and spectral distance to the cluster center to each spectrum for df in [df_src_spectra_allclust, df_tgt_spectra_allclust]: df.insert(0, 'cluster_label', clusterlabels_src_cube) df.insert(1, 'spectral_distance', spectral_distances) df.insert(2, 'spectral_angle', spectral_angles) # remove spectra with cluster label -9999 # (clusters with too few spectra that are set to nodata in the refcube) df_src_spectra_allclust = df_src_spectra_allclust[df_src_spectra_allclust.cluster_label != -9999] df_tgt_spectra_allclust = df_tgt_spectra_allclust[df_tgt_spectra_allclust.cluster_label != -9999] # remove spectra with -9999 in all bands that HAVE a valid clusterlabel # NOTE: This may happen because the cluster labels are computed on the source cube only and may be # different on the target cube. sub_bad = df_tgt_spectra_allclust[df_tgt_spectra_allclust.iloc[:, 3] == -9999].copy() if not sub_bad.empty: idx_bad = sub_bad[np.std(sub_bad.iloc[:, 3:], axis=1) == 0].index if not idx_bad.empty: df_src_spectra_allclust = df_src_spectra_allclust.drop(idx_bad) df_tgt_spectra_allclust = df_tgt_spectra_allclust.drop(idx_bad) # ensure source and target spectra do not contain nodata values (would affect classifiers) assert is None or not in df_src_spectra_allclust.values assert is None or not in df_tgt_spectra_allclust.values for clusterlabel in range(n_clusters): self.logger.debug('Creating %s classifier for cluster %s...' % (method, clusterlabel)) if method == 'RFR': df_src_spectra_best = df_src_spectra_allclust.sample(10000, random_state=0, replace=True) df_tgt_spectra_best = df_tgt_spectra_allclust.sample(10000, random_state=0, replace=True) else: if n_clusters == 1: max_distance, max_angle = '100%', '100%' df_src_spectra_best, df_tgt_spectra_best = \ self._extract_best_spectra_from_cluster( clusterlabel, df_src_spectra_allclust, df_tgt_spectra_allclust, max_distance=max_distance, max_angle=max_angle) # Set train and test variables for the classifier src_spectra_curlabel = df_src_spectra_best.values[:, 3:] tgt_spectra_curlabel = df_tgt_spectra_best.values[:, 3:] train_src, test_src, train_tgt, test_tgt = \ train_test_split(src_spectra_curlabel, tgt_spectra_curlabel, test_size=0.4, shuffle=True, random_state=0) # train the learner and add metadata ML = self.train_machine_learner(train_src, train_tgt, test_src, test_tgt, method, **kwargs) # noinspection PyTypeChecker ML = self._add_metadata_to_machine_learner( ML, src_cube, tgt_cube, src_LBA, tgt_LBA, src_wavelengths, tgt_wavelengths, train_src, train_tgt, n_clusters, clusterlabel) # append to classifier collection cls_collection[ '__'.join(src_LBA)][tgt_cube.satellite, tgt_cube.sensor][ '__'.join(tgt_LBA)][clusterlabel] = ML # dump to disk fName_cls = get_filename_classifier_collection(method, src_cube.satellite, src_cube.sensor, n_clusters=n_clusters, **kwargs) with open(os.path.join(outDir, fName_cls), 'wb') as outF: dill.dump(cls_collection.to_dict(), outF, protocol=dill.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL - 1) # ensures some downwards compatibility
def _get_cluster_labels_for_source_refcube(self, src_cube, n_clusters, CPUs, sam_classassignment=False, return_spectral_distances=False, return_spectral_angles=False): """Get cluster labels for each source cube separately. NOTE: - We use the GMS L1C bands (without atmospheric bands and PAN-band) for clustering. - clustering is only performed on the source cube because the source sensor spectral information is later used to assign the correct homogenization classifier to each pixel :param src_cube: :param n_clusters: :param sam_classassignment: False: use minimal euclidian distance to assign classes to cluster centers True: use the minimal spectral angle to assign classes to cluster centers :param CPUs: :param return_spectral_distances: :return: """'Clustering %s %s reference cube (%s clusters)...' % (src_cube.satellite, src_cube.sensor, n_clusters)) LBA2clust = get_LayerBandsAssignment(src_cube.satellite, src_cube.sensor, no_pan=True, no_thermal=True, sort_by_cwl=True, after_ac=True) src_data2clust = src_cube.get_band_combination(LBA2clust) km = KMeansRSImage(src_data2clust, n_clusters=n_clusters, sam_classassignment=sam_classassignment, CPUs=CPUs) km.compute_clusters() return_vals = [km.labels_with_nodata] if return_spectral_distances: return_vals.append(km.spectral_distances_with_nodata) if return_spectral_angles: return_vals.append(km.spectral_angles_with_nodata) return tuple(return_vals) def _extract_best_spectra_from_cluster(self, clusterlabel, df_src_spectra_allclust, df_tgt_spectra_allclust, max_distance, max_angle): # NOTE: We exclude the noisy spectra with the largest spectral distances to their cluster # center here (random spectra from within the upper 40 %) assert len(df_src_spectra_allclust.index) == len(df_tgt_spectra_allclust.index), \ 'Source and target spectra dataframes must have the same number of spectral samples.' df_src_spectra = df_src_spectra_allclust[df_src_spectra_allclust.cluster_label == clusterlabel] # max_dist = np.percentile(df_src_spectra.spectral_distance, max_distance) # max_angle = np.percentile(df_src_spectra.spectral_angle, max_angle_percent) if isinstance(max_angle, str): max_angle = np.percentile(df_src_spectra.spectral_angle, int(max_angle.split('%')[0].strip())) tmp = df_src_spectra[df_src_spectra.spectral_angle <= max_angle] if len(tmp.index) > 10: df_src_spectra = tmp else: df_src_spectra = df_src_spectra.sort_values(by='spectral_angle').head(10) self.logger.warning('Had to choose spectra with SA up to %.1f degrees for cluster #%s.' % (np.max(df_src_spectra['spectral_angle']), clusterlabel)) if isinstance(max_distance, str): max_distance = np.percentile(df_src_spectra.spectral_distance, int(max_distance.split('%')[0].strip())) tmp = df_src_spectra[df_src_spectra.spectral_distance <= max_distance] if len(tmp.index) > 10: df_src_spectra = tmp else: df_src_spectra = df_src_spectra.sort_values(by='spectral_distance').head(10) self.logger.warning('Had to choose spectra with SD up to %.1f for cluster #%s.' % (np.max(df_src_spectra['spectral_distance']), clusterlabel)) if len(df_src_spectra.index) > 1700: df_src_spectra = df_src_spectra.sort_values(by='spectral_angle').head(1700) df_tgt_spectra = df_tgt_spectra_allclust.loc[df_src_spectra.index, :] return df_src_spectra, df_tgt_spectra @staticmethod def _add_metadata_to_machine_learner(ML, src_cube, tgt_cube, src_LBA, tgt_LBA, src_wavelengths, tgt_wavelengths, src_train_spectra, tgt_train_spectra, n_clusters, clusterlabel): # compute cluster center for source spectra (only on those spectra used for model training) cluster_center = np.mean(src_train_spectra, axis=0) cluster_median = np.median(src_train_spectra, axis=0) sample_spectra = DataFrame(src_train_spectra).sample(100, replace=True, random_state=20).values ML.src_satellite = src_cube.satellite ML.tgt_satellite = tgt_cube.satellite ML.src_sensor = src_cube.sensor ML.tgt_sensor = tgt_cube.sensor ML.src_LBA = src_LBA ML.tgt_LBA = tgt_LBA ML.src_n_bands = len(ML.src_LBA) ML.tgt_n_bands = len(ML.tgt_LBA) ML.src_wavelengths = list(np.array(src_wavelengths).astype(np.float32)) ML.tgt_wavelengths = list(np.array(tgt_wavelengths).astype(np.float32)) ML.n_clusters = n_clusters ML.clusterlabel = clusterlabel ML.cluster_center = cluster_center.astype( ML.cluster_median = cluster_median.astype( ML.cluster_sample_spectra = sample_spectra.astype(np.int16) # scaled between 0 and 10000 ML.tgt_cluster_center = np.mean(tgt_train_spectra, axis=0).astype( ML.tgt_cluster_median = np.median(tgt_train_spectra, axis=0).astype( assert len(ML.src_LBA) == len(ML.src_wavelengths) assert len(ML.tgt_LBA) == len(ML.tgt_wavelengths) return ML
[docs]def get_machine_learner(method='LR', **init_params): # type: (str, dict) -> Union[LinearRegression, Ridge, Pipeline] """Get an instance of a machine learner. :param method: 'LR': Linear Regression 'RR': Ridge Regression 'QR': Quadratic Regression 'RFR': Random Forest Regression (50 trees) :param init_params: parameters to be passed to __init__() function of the returned machine learner model. """ from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Ridge from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures if method == 'LR': return LinearRegression(**init_params) elif method == 'RR': return Ridge(**init_params) elif method == 'QR': return make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(degree=2), LinearRegression(**init_params)) elif method == 'RFR': return RandomForestRegressor(**init_params) else: raise ValueError("Unknown machine learner method code '%s'." % method)
[docs]def get_filename_classifier_collection(method, src_satellite, src_sensor, n_clusters=1, **cls_kwinit): if method == 'RR': method += '_alpha1.0' # TODO add to config elif method == 'RFR': assert 'n_estimators' in cls_kwinit method += '_trees%s' % cls_kwinit['n_estimators'] return '__'.join(['%s_clust%s' % (method, n_clusters), src_satellite, src_sensor]) + '.dill'
# def get_classifier_filename(method, src_satellite, src_sensor, src_LBA_name, tgt_satellite, tgt_sensor, tgt_LBA_name): # return '__'.join([method, src_satellite, src_sensor, src_LBA_name]) + \ # '__to__' + '__'.join([tgt_satellite, tgt_sensor, tgt_LBA_name]) + '.dill'