Source code for spechomo.clustering

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# spechomo, Spectral homogenization of multispectral satellite data
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021
# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam,
#   Germany (
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Please note the following exception: `spechomo` depends on tqdm, which is
# distributed under the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v2.0 except for the files
# "tqdm/", "", "README.rst", "" and ".gitignore".
# Details can be found here:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue
import os

    from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

import dill
import numpy as np
from geoarray import GeoArray
from pandas import DataFrame
from specclassify import SAM_Classifier, classify_image

from .utils import im2spectra

[docs]class KMeansRSImage(object): """Class for clustering a given input image by using K-Means algorithm. NOTE: Based on the nodata value of the input GeoArray those pixels that have nodata values in some bands are ignored when computing the cluster coefficients. Nodata values would affect clustering result otherwise. """ def __init__(self, im, n_clusters, sam_classassignment=False, CPUs=1, v=False): # type: (GeoArray, int, bool, Union[None, int], bool) -> None # privates self._clusters = None self._clustermap = None self._goodSpecMask = None self._spectra = None self._labels_with_nodata = None self._spectral_distances = None self._spectral_distances_with_nodata = None self._spectral_angles = None self._spectral_angles_with_nodata = None = im self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.sam_classassignment = sam_classassignment self.CPUs = CPUs or cpu_count() self.v = v
[docs] @classmethod def from_disk(cls, path_clf, im): # type: (str, GeoArray) -> KMeansRSImage """Get an instance of KMeansRSImage from a previously saved classifier. :param path_clf: path of serialzed classifier (dill file) :param im: path of the image cube belonging to that classifier :return: KMeansRSImage """ with open(path_clf, 'rb') as inF: undilled = dill.load(inF) # type: dict KM = KMeansRSImage(im, undilled['clusters'].n_clusters, undilled['clusters'].n_jobs, undilled['clusters'].verbose) KM._clusters = undilled['clusters'] KM._goodSpecMask = undilled['_goodSpecMask'] KM._spectral_distances = undilled['_spectral_distances'] return KM
@property def goodSpecMask(self): if self._goodSpecMask is None: if is not None: mask_nodata = im2spectra( == goodSpecMask = np.all(~mask_nodata, axis=1) if True not in goodSpecMask: raise RuntimeError('All spectra contain no data values in one or multiple bands and are therefore ' 'not usable for clustering. Clustering failed.') self._goodSpecMask = goodSpecMask else: self._goodSpecMask = np.ones(( *, dtype=bool) return self._goodSpecMask @property def spectra(self): """Get spectra used for clustering (excluding spectra containing nodata values that would affect clustering).""" if self._spectra is None: self._spectra = im2spectra([self.goodSpecMask, :] return self._spectra @property def n_spectra(self): """Get number of spectra used for clustering (excluding spectra containing nodata values).""" return int(np.sum(self.goodSpecMask)) @property def clusters(self): # type: () -> KMeans if not self._clusters: self._clusters = self.compute_clusters() return self._clusters @clusters.setter def clusters(self, clusters): self._clusters = clusters @property def clustermap(self): if self._clustermap is None: self._clustermap = self.labels_with_nodata.reshape((, return self._clustermap
[docs] def compute_clusters(self, nmax_spectra=100000): """Compute the cluster means and labels. :param nmax_spectra: maximum number of spectra to be included (pseudo-randomly selected (reproducable)) :return: """ from sklearn.cluster import KMeans # avoids static TLS ImportError here from sklearn import __version__ as skver _old_environ = dict(os.environ) try: kwargs_kmeans = dict(n_clusters=self.n_clusters, random_state=0, verbose=self.v) # scikit-learn>0.23 uses all cores by default; number is adjustable via OMP_NUM_THREADS if float('%s.%s' % tuple(skver.split('.')[:2])) < 0.23: kwargs_kmeans['n_jobs'] = self.CPUs else: os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS '] = str(self.CPUs) # data reduction in case we have too many spectra if self.spectra.shape[0] > nmax_spectra: if self.v: print('Reducing data...') idxs_specIncl = np.random.RandomState(seed=0).choice(range(self.n_spectra), nmax_spectra) idxs_specNotIncl = np.array(range(self.n_spectra))[~np.in1d(range(self.n_spectra), idxs_specIncl)] spectra_incl = self.spectra[idxs_specIncl, :] spectra_notIncl = self.spectra[idxs_specNotIncl, :] if self.v: print('Fitting KMeans...') kmeans = KMeans(**kwargs_kmeans) distmatrix_incl = kmeans.fit_transform(spectra_incl) if self.v: print('Computing full resolution labels...') labels = np.zeros((self.n_spectra,), dtype=kmeans.labels_.dtype) distances = np.zeros((self.n_spectra,), dtype=distmatrix_incl.dtype) labels[idxs_specIncl] = kmeans.labels_ distances[idxs_specIncl] = np.min(distmatrix_incl, axis=1) if self.sam_classassignment: # override cluster labels with labels computed via SAM (distances have be recomputed then) print('Using SAM class assignment.') SC = SAM_Classifier(kmeans.cluster_centers_, CPUs=self.CPUs) im_sam_labels = SC.classify( sam_labels = im_sam_labels.flatten()[self.goodSpecMask] self._spectral_angles = SC.angles_deg.flatten()[self.goodSpecMask] # update distances at those positions where SAM assigns different class labels distsPos2update = labels != sam_labels distsPos2update[idxs_specNotIncl] = True distances[distsPos2update] = \ self.compute_euclidian_distance_for_labelled_spectra( self.spectra[distsPos2update, :], sam_labels[distsPos2update], kmeans.cluster_centers_) kmeans.labels_ = sam_labels else: distmatrix_specNotIncl = kmeans.transform(spectra_notIncl) labels[idxs_specNotIncl] = np.argmin(distmatrix_specNotIncl, axis=1) distances[idxs_specNotIncl] = np.min(distmatrix_specNotIncl, axis=1) kmeans.labels_ = labels else: if self.v: print('Fitting KMeans...') kmeans = KMeans(**kwargs_kmeans) distmatrix = kmeans.fit_transform(self.spectra) kmeans_labels = kmeans.labels_ distances = np.min(distmatrix, axis=1) if self.sam_classassignment: # override cluster labels with labels computed via SAM (distances have be recomputed then) print('Using SAM class assignment.') SC = SAM_Classifier(kmeans.cluster_centers_, CPUs=self.CPUs) im_sam_labels = SC.classify( sam_labels = im_sam_labels.flatten()[self.goodSpecMask] self._spectral_angles = SC.angles_deg.flatten()[self.goodSpecMask] # update distances at those positions where SAM assigns different class labels distsPos2update = kmeans_labels != sam_labels distances[distsPos2update] = \ self.compute_euclidian_distance_for_labelled_spectra( self.spectra[distsPos2update, :], sam_labels[distsPos2update], kmeans.cluster_centers_) finally: os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(_old_environ) self.clusters = kmeans self._spectral_distances = distances return self.clusters
[docs] def apply_clusters(self, image): labels = self.clusters.predict(im2spectra(GeoArray(image))) return labels
[docs] def compute_spectral_distances(self): self._spectral_distances = np.min(self.clusters.transform(self.spectra), axis=1) return self.spectral_distances
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_euclidian_distance_2D(spectra, endmembers): n_samples, n_features = endmembers.shape if not spectra.shape[1] == endmembers.shape[1]: raise RuntimeError('Matrix dimensions are not aligned. Input spectra have %d bands but endmembers ' 'have %d.' % (spectra.shape[1], endmembers.shape[1])) dists = np.zeros((spectra.shape[0], n_samples), np.float32) # loop over all endmember spectra and compute spectral angle for each input spectrum for n_sample in range(n_samples): train_spectrum = endmembers[n_sample, :].astype(float) diff = spectra - train_spectrum dists[:, n_sample] = np.sqrt((diff ** 2).sum(axis=1)) return dists
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_euclidian_distance_for_labelled_spectra(spectra, labels, endmembers): if not spectra.shape[1] == endmembers.shape[1]: raise RuntimeError('Matrix dimensions are not aligned. Input spectra have %d bands but endmembers ' 'have %d.' % (spectra.shape[1], endmembers.shape[1])) dists = np.zeros((spectra.shape[0]), np.float32) # loop over all endmember spectra and compute spectral angle for each input spectrum for lbl in np.unique(labels): train_spectrum = endmembers[lbl, :].astype(float) mask_curlbl = labels == lbl spectra_curlbl = spectra[mask_curlbl, :] diff_curlbl = spectra_curlbl - train_spectrum dists[mask_curlbl] = np.sqrt((diff_curlbl ** 2).sum(axis=1)) return dists
[docs] def compute_spectral_angles(self): spectral_angles = classify_image(, self.clusters.cluster_centers_, list(range(self.n_clusters)), 'SAM',, cmap_nodataVal=-9999, tiledims=(400, 400), CPUs=self.CPUs, return_distance=True, unclassified_pixVal=-1)[1] self._spectral_angles = spectral_angles.flatten()[self.goodSpecMask] return self.spectral_angles
@property def labels(self): """Get labels for all clustered spectra (excluding spectra that contain nodata values).""" return self.clusters.labels_ @property def labels_with_nodata(self): """Get the labels for all pixels (including those containing nodata values).""" if self._labels_with_nodata is None: if self.n_spectra == ( * self._labels_with_nodata = self.clusters.labels_ else: labels = np.full_like(self.goodSpecMask, -9999, dtype=self.clusters.labels_.dtype) labels[self.goodSpecMask] = self.clusters.labels_ self._labels_with_nodata = labels return self._labels_with_nodata @property def spectral_distances(self): """Get spectral distances for all pixels that don't contain nodata values.""" if self._spectral_distances is None: self._spectral_distances = self.compute_spectral_distances() return self._spectral_distances @property def spectral_distances_with_nodata(self): if self._clusters is not None and self._spectral_distances_with_nodata is None: if self.n_spectra == ( * self._spectral_distances_with_nodata = self.spectral_distances else: dists = np.full_like(self.goodSpecMask, np.nan, dtype=float) dists[self.goodSpecMask] = self.spectral_distances self._spectral_distances_with_nodata = dists return self._spectral_distances_with_nodata @property def spectral_angles(self): """Get spectral angles in degrees for all pixels that don't contain nodata values.""" if self._spectral_angles is None: self._spectral_angles = self.compute_spectral_angles() return self._spectral_angles @property def spectral_angles_with_nodata(self): if self._clusters is not None and self._spectral_angles_with_nodata is None: if self.n_spectra == ( * self._spectral_angles_with_nodata = self.spectral_angles else: angles = np.full_like(self.goodSpecMask, np.nan, dtype=float) angles[self.goodSpecMask] = self.spectral_angles self._spectral_angles_with_nodata = angles return self._spectral_angles_with_nodata
[docs] def dump(self, path_out): with open(path_out, 'wb') as outF: dill.dump(dict( clusters=self.clusters, _goodSpecMask=self._goodSpecMask, _spectral_distances=self._spectral_distances), outF)
[docs] def save_clustermap(self, path_out, **kw_save): GeoArray(self.clustermap,,, nodata=-9999)\ .save(path_out, **kw_save)
[docs] def plot_cluster_centers(self, figsize=(15, 5)): # type: (tuple) -> None """Show a plot of the cluster center signatures. :param figsize: figure size (inches) """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for i, center_signature in enumerate(self.clusters.cluster_centers_): plt.plot(range(1, + 1), center_signature, label='Cluster #%s' % (i + 1)) plt.title('KMeans cluster centers for %s clusters' % self.n_clusters) plt.xlabel('Spectral band') plt.ylabel('Pixel values') plt.legend(loc='upper right')
[docs] def plot_cluster_histogram(self, figsize=(15, 5)): # type: (tuple) -> None """Show a histogram indicating the proportion of each cluster label in percent. :param figsize: figure size (inches) """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # grab the number of different clusters and create a histogram # based on the number of pixels assigned to each cluster numLabels = np.arange(0, len(np.unique(self.clusters.labels_)) + 1) hist, bins = np.histogram(self.clusters.labels_, bins=numLabels) # normalize the histogram, such that it sums to 100 hist = hist.astype("float") hist /= hist.sum() / 100 # plot the histogram as bar plot plt.figure(figsize=figsize)[:-1], hist, width=1) plt.title('Proportion of cluster labels (%s clusters)' % self.n_clusters) plt.xlabel('# Cluster') plt.ylabel('Proportion [%]')
[docs] def plot_clustermap(self, figsize=None): # type: (tuple) -> None """Show a the clustered image. :param figsize: figure size (inches) """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=figsize) rows, cols = self.clustermap.shape[:2] image2plot = self.clustermap if is None else, plt.imshow(image2plot, plt.get_cmap('prism'), interpolation='none', extent=(0, cols, rows, 0))
[docs] def get_random_spectra_from_each_cluster(self, samplesize=50, max_distance=None, max_angle=None, nmin_unique_spectra=50): # type: (int, Union[int, float, str], Union[int, float, str], int) -> dict """Return a given number of spectra randomly selected within each cluster. E.g., 50 spectra belonging to cluster 1, 50 spectra belonging to cluster 2 and so on. :param samplesize: number of spectra to be randomly selected from each cluster :param max_distance: spectra with a larger spectral distance than the given value will be excluded from random sampling. - if given as string like '20%', the maximum spectral distance is computed as 20% percentile within each cluster :param max_angle: spectra with a larger spectral angle than the given value will be excluded from random sampling. - if given as string like '20%', the maximum spectral angle is computed as 20% percentile within each cluster :param nmin_unique_spectra: in case a cluster has less than the given number, do not use its spectra (return missing values) :return: """ # get DataFrame with columns [cluster_label, B1, B2, B3, ...] # NOTE: spectra with nodata values are already excluded here in the self.spectra getter # which uses self.goodSpecMask (excludes spectra with nodata in ANY band) df = DataFrame(self.spectra, columns=['B%s' % band for band in range(1, + 1)], ) df.insert(0, 'cluster_label', self.clusters.labels_) if max_angle is not None: if not (isinstance(max_angle, (int, float)) and max_angle > 0) and \ not (isinstance(max_angle, str) and max_angle.endswith('%')): raise ValueError(max_angle) if isinstance(max_angle, str): max_angle = np.percentile(self.spectral_angles, float(max_angle.split('%')[0].strip())) df.insert(1, 'spectral_angle', self.spectral_angles) if max_distance is not None: if not (isinstance(max_distance, (int, float)) and 0 < max_distance < 100) and \ not (isinstance(max_distance, str) and max_distance.endswith('%')): raise ValueError(max_distance) if isinstance(max_distance, str): max_distance = np.percentile(self.spectral_distances, float(max_distance.split('%')[0].strip())) df.insert(1, 'spectral_distance', self.spectral_distances) # get random sample from each cluster and generate a dict like {cluster_label: random_sample} # NOTE: nodata label is skipped random_samples = dict() for label in range(self.n_clusters): if max_angle is None and max_distance is None: cluster_subset = df[df.cluster_label == label].loc[:, 'B1':] else: cluster_subset = df[df.cluster_label == label] # if self.n_clusters > 1: # filter by spectral angle if len(cluster_subset.index) >= nmin_unique_spectra and max_angle is not None: cluster_subset = cluster_subset[cluster_subset.spectral_angle < max_angle] # filter by spectral distance if len(cluster_subset.index) >= nmin_unique_spectra and max_distance is not None: cluster_subset = cluster_subset[cluster_subset.spectral_distance < max_distance] cluster_subset = cluster_subset.loc[:, 'B1':] # handle clusters with less than nmin_unique_spectra in there if len(cluster_subset.index) < nmin_unique_spectra: if len(cluster_subset.index) > 0: # don't use the cluster (return nodata) cluster_subset[:] = -9999 else: # cluster_subset is empty after filtering -> return nodata cluster_subset.loc[0] = [-9999] * len(cluster_subset.columns) # get random sample while filling it with duplicates of the same sample when cluster has not enough spectra random_samples[label] = np.array(cluster_subset.sample(samplesize, replace=True, random_state=20)) return random_samples
[docs] def get_purest_spectra_from_each_cluster(self, samplesize=50): # type: (int) -> dict """Return a given number of spectra directly surrounding the center of each cluster. E.g., 50 spectra belonging to cluster 1, 50 spectra belonging to cluster 2 and so on. :param samplesize: number of spectra to be selected from each cluster :return: """ # get DataFrame with columns [cluster_label, B1, B2, B3, ...] df = DataFrame(self.spectra, columns=['B%s' % band for band in range(1, + 1)], ) df.insert(0, 'cluster_label', self.clusters.labels_) df.insert(1, 'spectral_distance', self.spectral_distances) # get random sample from each cluster and generate a dict like {cluster_label: random_sample} random_samples = dict() for label in range(self.n_clusters): cluster_subset = df[df.cluster_label == label].loc[:, 'spectral_distance':] # catch the case that the cluster does not contain enough spectra (duplicate existing ones) if len(cluster_subset.index) < samplesize: cluster_subset = cluster_subset.sample(samplesize, replace=True, random_state=20) cluster_subset_sorted = cluster_subset.sort_values(by=['spectral_distance'], ascending=True) random_samples[label] = np.array(cluster_subset_sorted.loc[:, 'B1':][:samplesize]) return random_samples