Source code for spechomo.prediction

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# spechomo, Spectral homogenization of multispectral satellite data
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021
# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam,
#   Germany (
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Please note the following exception: `spechomo` depends on tqdm, which is
# distributed under the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v2.0 except for the files
# "tqdm/", "", "README.rst", "" and ".gitignore".
# Details can be found here:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Main module."""

import os
import logging  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue
from typing import Union, Tuple  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import traceback
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
from geoarray import GeoArray  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue
from specclassify import classify_image
# from specclassify import kNN_MinimumDistance_Classifier

from .classifier import Cluster_Learner
from .exceptions import ClassifierNotAvailableError
from .logging import SpecHomo_Logger
from .options import options
from .utils import spectra2im, im2spectra

__author__ = 'Daniel Scheffler'

_classifier_rootdir = options['classifiers']['rootdir']

[docs]class SpectralHomogenizer(object): """Class for applying spectral homogenization by applying an interpolation or machine learning approach.""" def __init__(self, classifier_rootDir='', logger=None, CPUs=None, progress=True): """Get instance of SpectralHomogenizer. :param classifier_rootDir: root directory where machine learning classifiers are stored. :param logger: instance of logging.Logger :param progress: whether to show progress bars """ self.classifier_rootDir = classifier_rootDir or _classifier_rootdir self.logger = logger or SpecHomo_Logger(__name__) self.CPUs = CPUs or cpu_count() self.progress = progress
[docs] def interpolate_cube(self, arrcube, source_CWLs, target_CWLs, kind='linear'): # type: (Union[np.ndarray, GeoArray], list, list, str) -> GeoArray """Spectrally interpolate the spectral bands of a remote sensing image to new band positions. :param arrcube: array to be spectrally interpolated :param source_CWLs: list of source central wavelength positions :param target_CWLs: list of target central wavelength positions :param kind: interpolation kind to be passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d (default: 'linear') :return: """ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError assert kind in ['linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'], \ "%s is not a supported kind of spectral interpolation." % kind assert arrcube is not None,\ 'L2B_obj.interpolate_cube_linear expects a numpy array as input. Got %s.' % type(arrcube) orig_CWLs = np.array(source_CWLs) target_CWLs = np.array(target_CWLs) 'Performing spectral homogenization (%s interpolation) with target wavelength positions at %s nm.' % (kind, ', '.join(np.round(np.array(target_CWLs[:-1]), 1).astype(str)) + ' and %s' % np.round(target_CWLs[-1], 1))) outarr = \ interp1d(np.array(orig_CWLs), arrcube, axis=2, kind=kind, fill_value='extrapolate')(target_CWLs) if np.min(outarr) >= np.iinfo(np.int16).min and \ np.max(outarr) <= np.iinfo(np.int16).max: outarr = outarr.astype(np.int16) elif np.min(outarr) >= np.iinfo(np.int32).min and np.max(outarr) <= np.iinfo(np.int32).max: outarr = outarr.astype(np.int32) else: raise TypeError('The interpolated data cube cannot be cast into a 16- or 32-bit integer array.') assert outarr.shape == tuple([*arrcube.shape[:2], len(target_CWLs)]) return GeoArray(outarr)
[docs] def predict_by_machine_learner(self, arrcube, method, src_satellite, src_sensor, src_LBA, tgt_satellite, tgt_sensor, tgt_LBA, n_clusters=50, classif_alg='MinDist', kNN_n_neighbors=10, global_clf_threshold=options['classifiers']['prediction']['global_clf_threshold'], src_nodataVal=None, out_nodataVal=None, compute_errors=False, bandwise_errors=True, fallback_argskwargs=None): # type: (Union[np.ndarray, GeoArray], str, str, str, list, str, str, list, int, str, int, Union[str, int, float], int, int, bool, bool, dict) -> tuple # noqa """Predict spectral bands of target sensor by applying a machine learning approach. NOTE: You may use the function spechomo.utils.list_available_transformations() to get a list of available transformations. You may also copy the input parameters for this method from the output there. :param arrcube: input image array for target sensor spectral band prediction (rows x cols x bands) :param method: machine learning approach to be used for spectral bands prediction 'LR': Linear Regression 'RR': Ridge Regression 'QR': Quadratic Regression 'RFR': Random Forest Regression (50 trees; does not allow spectral sub-clustering) :param src_satellite: source satellite, e.g., 'Landsat-8' :param src_sensor: source sensor, e.g., 'OLI_TIRS' :param src_LBA: source LayerBandsAssignment # TODO document this :param tgt_satellite: target satellite, e.g., 'Landsat-8' :param tgt_sensor: target sensor, e.g., 'OLI_TIRS' :param tgt_LBA: target LayerBandsAssignment # TODO document this :param n_clusters: Number of spectral clusters to be used during LR/ RR/ QR homogenization. E.g., 50 means that the image to be converted to the spectral target sensor is clustered into 50 spectral clusters and one separate machine learner per cluster is applied to the input data to predict the homogenized image. If 'spechomo_n_clusters' is set to 1, the source image is not clustered and only one machine learning classifier is used for prediction. :param classif_alg: Multispectral classification algorithm to be used to determine the spectral cluster each pixel belongs to. 'MinDist': Minimum Distance (Nearest Centroid) 'kNN': k-nearest-neighbour 'kNN_MinDist': k-nearest-neighbour Minimum Distance (Nearest Centroid) 'SAM': spectral angle mapping 'kNN_SAM': k-nearest-neighbour spectral angle mapping 'SID': spectral information divergence 'FEDSA': fused euclidian distance / spectral angle 'kNN_FEDSA': k-nearest-neighbour fused euclidian distance / spectral angle :param kNN_n_neighbors: The number of neighbors to be considered in case 'classif_alg' is set to 'kNN'. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored. :param global_clf_threshold: If given, all pixels where the computed similarity metric (set by 'classif_alg') exceeds the given threshold are predicted using the global classifier (based on a single transformation per band). - only usable for 'MinDist', 'SAM' and 'SID' as well as their kNN variants - may be given as float, integer or string to label a certain distance percentile - if given as string, it must match the format, e.g., '10%' for labelling the worst 10 % of the distances as unclassified :param src_nodataVal: no data value of source image (arrcube) - if no nodata value is set, it is tried to be auto-computed from arrcube :param out_nodataVal: no data value of predicted image :param compute_errors: whether to compute pixel- / bandwise model errors for estimated pixel values (default: false) :param bandwise_errors whether to compute error information for each band separately (True - default) or to average errors over bands using median (False) (ignored in case of fallback) :param fallback_argskwargs: arguments and keyword arguments to be passed to the fallback algorithm SpectralHomogenizer.interpolate_cube() in case harmonization fails :return: predicted array (rows x columns x bands) :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, Union[np.ndarray, None]] """ # TODO: add LBA validation to .predict() kw = dict(method=method, classifier_rootDir=self.classifier_rootDir, n_clusters=n_clusters, classif_alg=classif_alg, CPUs=self.CPUs, progress=self.progress, logger=self.logger) if classif_alg.startswith('kNN'): kw['n_neighbors'] = kNN_n_neighbors RSI_CP = RSImage_ClusterPredictor(**kw) ###################### # get the classifier # ###################### cls = None exc = Exception() try: cls = RSI_CP.get_classifier(src_satellite, src_sensor, src_LBA, tgt_satellite, tgt_sensor, tgt_LBA) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.logger.warning('No machine learning classifier available that fulfills the specifications of the ' 'spectral reference sensor. Falling back to linear interpolation for performing ' 'spectral homogenization.') exc = e except ClassifierNotAvailableError as e: self.logger.error('\nAn error occurred during spectral homogenization using the %s classifier. ' 'Falling back to linear interpolation. Error message was: ' % method) self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) exc = e ################## # run prediction # ################## errors = None if cls:'Performing spectral homogenization using %s. Target is %s %s %s.' % (method, tgt_satellite, tgt_sensor, tgt_LBA)) cmap_nodataVal = src_nodataVal if src_nodataVal is not None else -9999 im_homo = RSI_CP.predict(arrcube, classifier=cls, in_nodataVal=src_nodataVal, cmap_nodataVal=cmap_nodataVal, out_nodataVal=out_nodataVal, global_clf_threshold=global_clf_threshold) # type: GeoArray if compute_errors: errors = RSI_CP.compute_prediction_errors(im_homo, cls, nodataVal=src_nodataVal, cmap_nodataVal=cmap_nodataVal) if not bandwise_errors: errors = np.median(errors, axis=2).astype(errors.dtype) elif fallback_argskwargs: # fallback: use linear interpolation and set errors to an array of zeros im_homo = self.interpolate_cube(**fallback_argskwargs) # type: GeoArray if compute_errors: self.logger.warning("Spectral homogenization algorithm had to be performed by linear interpolation " "(fallback). Unable to compute any accuracy information from that.") if bandwise_errors: errors = np.zeros_like(im_homo, dtype=np.int16) else: errors = np.zeros(im_homo.shape[:2], dtype=np.int16) else: raise exc # add metadata im_homo.metadata.band_meta['wavelength'] = cls.tgt_wavelengths if cls else fallback_argskwargs['target_CWLs'] im_homo.classif_map = RSI_CP.classif_map im_homo.distance_metrics = RSI_CP.distance_metrics # handle negative values in the predicted image => set these pixels to nodata # im_homo = set_negVals_to_nodata(im_homo, out_nodataVal) return im_homo, errors
[docs]class RSImage_ClusterPredictor(object): """Predictor class applying the predict() function of a machine learning classifier described by the given args.""" def __init__(self, method='LR', n_clusters=50, classif_alg='MinDist', classifier_rootDir='', CPUs=1, logger=None, progress=True, **kw_clf_init): # type: (str, int, str, str, Union[None, int], logging.Logger, bool, dict) -> None """Get an instance of RSImage_ClusterPredictor. :param method: machine learning approach to be used for spectral bands prediction 'LR': Linear Regression 'RR': Ridge Regression 'QR': Quadratic Regression 'RFR': Random Forest Regression (50 trees; does not allow spectral sub-clustering) :param n_clusters: Number of spectral clusters to be used during LR/ RR/ QR homogenization. E.g., 50 means that the image to be converted to the spectral target sensor is clustered into 50 spectral clusters and one separate machine learner per cluster is applied to the input data to predict the homogenized image. If 'n_clusters' is set to 1, the source image is not clustered and only one machine learning classifier is used for prediction. :param classif_alg: algorithm to be used for image classification (to define which cluster each pixel belongs to) 'MinDist': Minimum Distance (Nearest Centroid) 'kNN': k-nearest-neighbour 'kNN_MinDist': k-nearest-neighbour Minimum Distance (Nearest Centroid) 'SAM': spectral angle mapping 'kNN_SAM': k-nearest-neighbour spectral angle mapping 'SID': spectral information divergence 'FEDSA': fused euclidian distance / spectral angle 'kNN_FEDSA': k-nearest-neighbour fused euclidian distance / spectral angle :param classifier_rootDir: root directory where machine learning classifiers are stored. :param CPUs: number of CPUs to use (default: 1) :param progress: whether to show progress bars :param logger: instance of logging.Logger() :param kw_clf_init keyword arguments to be passed to classifier init functions if possible, e.g., 'n_neighbours' sets the number of neighbours to be considered in kNN classification algorithms (set by 'classif_alg') """ self.method = method self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.classifier_rootDir = os.path.abspath(classifier_rootDir) if classifier_rootDir else _classifier_rootdir self.classif_map = None self.classif_map_fractions = None self.distance_metrics = None self.CPUs = CPUs or cpu_count() self.classif_alg = classif_alg self.logger = logger or SpecHomo_Logger(__name__) # must be pickable self.progress = progress self.kw_clf_init = kw_clf_init # validate if method == 'RFR' and n_clusters > 1: self.logger.warning("The spectral homogenization method 'Random Forest Regression' does not allow spectral " "sub-clustering. Setting 'n_clusters' to 1.") self.n_clusters = 1 if self.classif_alg.startswith('kNN') and \ 'n_neighbors' in kw_clf_init and \ self.n_clusters < kw_clf_init['n_neighbors']: self.kw_clf_init['n_neighbors'] = self.n_clusters
[docs] def get_classifier(self, src_satellite, src_sensor, src_LBA, tgt_satellite, tgt_sensor, tgt_LBA): # type: (str, str, list, str, str, list) -> Cluster_Learner """Select the correct machine learning classifier out of previously saved classifier collections. Describe the classifier specifications with the given arguments. :param src_satellite: source satellite, e.g., 'Landsat-8' :param src_sensor: source sensor, e.g., 'OLI_TIRS' :param src_LBA: source LayerBandsAssignment :param tgt_satellite: target satellite, e.g., 'Landsat-8' :param tgt_sensor: target sensor, e.g., 'OLI_TIRS' :param tgt_LBA: target LayerBandsAssignment :return: classifier instance loaded from disk """ args_fd = (self.classifier_rootDir, self.method, self.n_clusters, src_satellite, src_sensor, src_LBA, tgt_satellite, tgt_sensor, tgt_LBA) try: CL = Cluster_Learner.from_disk(*args_fd) except FileNotFoundError: if self.classifier_rootDir == _classifier_rootdir: # the default root directory is used if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(_classifier_rootdir, '' % self.method)): # download the classifiers'The pre-trained classifiers have not been downloaded yet. Downloading...') from .utils import download_pretrained_classifiers download_pretrained_classifiers(method=self.method, tgt_dir=self.classifier_rootDir) else: self.logger.error('%s classifiers found at %s. However, they do not contain a suitable classifier ' 'for the current predition. If desired, delete the existing classifiers and try ' 'again. Pre-trained classifiers are then automatically downloaded.' % (self.method, self.classifier_rootDir)) # try again CL = Cluster_Learner.from_disk(*args_fd) else: # classifier not found in the user provided root directory raise return CL
[docs] def predict(self, image, classifier, in_nodataVal=None, out_nodataVal=None, cmap_nodataVal=-9999, global_clf_threshold=None, unclassified_pixVal=-1): # type: (Union[np.ndarray, GeoArray], Cluster_Learner, float, float, float, Union[str, int, float], int) -> GeoArray # noqa """Apply the prediction function of the given specifier to the given remote sensing image. :param image: 3D array representing the input image :param classifier: the classifier instance :param in_nodataVal: no data value of the input image (auto-computed if not given or contained in image GeoArray) :param out_nodataVal: no data value written into the predicted image (copied from the input image if not given) :param cmap_nodataVal: no data value for the classification map in case more than one sub-classes are used for prediction (default: -9999) :param global_clf_threshold: If given, all pixels where the computed similarity metric (set by 'classif_alg') exceeds the given threshold are predicted using the global classifier (based on a single transformation per band). - not usable for 'kNN' - may be given as float, integer or string to label a certain distance percentile - if given as string, it must match the format, e.g., '10%' for labelling the worst 10 % of the distances as unclassified :param unclassified_pixVal: pixel value to be used in the classification map for unclassified pixels (default: -1) :return: 3D array representing the predicted spectral image cube """ image = image if isinstance(image, GeoArray) else GeoArray(image, nodata=in_nodataVal) # ensure image.nodata is present (important for classify_image() -> overwrites cmap at nodata positions) image.nodata = in_nodataVal if in_nodataVal is not None else image.nodata # might be auto-computed here in_nodataVal = image.nodata ########################## # get classification map # ########################## # assign each input pixel to a cluster (compute classification with cluster centers as endmembers) if self.classif_map is None: if self.n_clusters > 1:'Assigning material-specific regressors to each image pixel.') t0 = time.time() kw_clf = dict(classif_alg=self.classif_alg, in_nodataVal=image.nodata, cmap_nodataVal=cmap_nodataVal, # written into classif_map at nodata CPUs=self.CPUs, return_distance=True, **self.kw_clf_init) if self.classif_alg in ['MinDist', 'kNN_MinDist', 'SAM', 'kNN_SAM', 'SID', 'FEDSA', 'kNN_FEDSA']: kw_clf.update(dict(unclassified_threshold=global_clf_threshold, unclassified_pixVal=unclassified_pixVal)) if self.classif_alg == 'RF': train_spectra = np.vstack([classifier.MLdict[clust].cluster_sample_spectra for clust in range(classifier.n_clusters)]) train_labels = list(np.hstack([[i] * 100 for i in range(classifier.n_clusters)])) else: train_spectra = classifier.cluster_centers train_labels = classifier.cluster_pixVals # run classification # - uses 3 neighbors by default in case of kNN classifiers self.classif_map, self.distance_metrics = classify_image(image, train_spectra, train_labels, **kw_clf) # compute spectral distance # dist = kNN_MinimumDistance_Classifier.compute_euclidian_distance_3D(image, train_spectra) # idxs = self.classif_map.reshape(-1, self.classif_map.shape[2]) # self.distance_metrics = \ # dist.reshape(-1, dist.shape[2])[np.arange(dist.shape[0] * dist.shape[1])[:, np.newaxis], idxs] \ # .reshape(self.classif_map.shape) # print('ED MAX MIN:', self.distance_metrics.max(), self.distance_metrics.min())'Total classification time: %s' % time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time() - t0))) else: self.classif_map = GeoArray(np.full((image.rows, image.cols), classifier.cluster_pixVals[0], np.int16), nodata=cmap_nodataVal) # overwrite all pixels where the input image contains nodata in ANY band # (would lead to faulty predictions due to multivariate prediction algorithms) if in_nodataVal is not None and cmap_nodataVal is not None: self.classif_map[np.any(image[:] == image.nodata, axis=2)] = cmap_nodataVal self.distance_metrics = np.zeros_like(self.classif_map, np.float32) ############################## # compute prediction weights # ############################## # compute the weights (only needed in case of multiple kNN classifiers) if classifier.n_clusters > 1 and\ self.classif_map.ndim > 2:'Computing prediction weights per pixel for each regressor.') if self.classif_alg == 'kNN_SAM': # scale SAM values between 0 and 15 degrees spectral angle dist_min, dist_max = 0, 15 else: if in_nodataVal is not None: # exclude distances where cmap contains nodata (-9999) or unclassified (-1) values dists4stats = self.distance_metrics[self.classif_map[:, :, 0] > 0] else: dists4stats = self.distance_metrics dist_min, dist_max = np.min(dists4stats), np.percentile(dists4stats, 90) dist_norm = (self.distance_metrics - dist_min) /\ (dist_max - dist_min) weights = 1 - dist_norm weights[weights < 0] = 1e-10 # set negative weights to 0 but avoid ZeroDivisionError else: weights = None # weights = None if self.classif_map.ndim == 2 else \ # 1 - (self.distance_metrics / np.sum(self.distance_metrics, axis=2, keepdims=True)) # if self.classif_map.ndim > 2: # print(self.distance_metrics[0, 0, :]) # print(weights[0, 0, :]) #################### # apply prediction # ####################'Starting prediction with {self.method} regressor, {self.n_clusters} clusters, ' f'{self.classif_alg}.') # adjust classifier for multiprocessing if self.CPUs is None or self.CPUs > 1: # FIXME does not work -> parallelize with classifier.n_jobs = cpu_count() if self.CPUs is None else self.CPUs # get an empty GeoArray for the prediction result t0 = time.time() out_nodataVal = out_nodataVal if out_nodataVal is not None else image.nodata image_predicted = GeoArray(np.empty((image.rows, image.cols, classifier.tgt_n_bands), dtype=image.dtype),, projection=image.prj, nodata=out_nodataVal, bandnames=['B%s' % i if len(i) == 2 else 'B0%s' % i for i in classifier.tgt_LBA]) # set image_predicted to nodata at nodata positions of the input image if out_nodataVal is not None: image_predicted[~image.mask_nodata[:]] = out_nodataVal # NOTE: # - prediction now only runs on the remaining pixels (that contain data) # - computation is running in chunks of 50,000 spectra to save memory # (classifier.predict returns float32) and speed up processing # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # get all spectra at pixels that really contain data and # reshape them to represent a single image column # (classifier.predict expects a 3D image-like input array) spectra_at_datapos = image[image.mask_nodata[:]] n_spectra = spectra_at_datapos.shape[0] spectra_as_im = GeoArray(spectra2im(spectra_at_datapos, n_spectra, 1)) # get the corresponding weights and classification maps (also as one image column) if weights is not None: # in case of kNN classifiers weights_datapos = spectra2im(weights[image.mask_nodata[:]], n_spectra, 1) classif_map_datapos = spectra2im(self.classif_map[image.mask_nodata[:]], n_spectra, 1) else: # in case no kNN classifier was used and we don't have to respect any weights weights_datapos = None classif_map_datapos = self.classif_map[image.mask_nodata[:]].reshape(-1, 1) # spectra_predicted will be filled while looping over chunks spectra_predicted = np.empty((n_spectra, image_predicted.bands), image_predicted.dtype) n_saturated_px = 0 for ((rS, rE), (cS, cE)), im_tile in tqdm(spectra_as_im.tiles(tilesize=(50000, 1)), desc='Predicting in chunks', disable=not self.progress): classif_map_tile = classif_map_datapos[rS: rE + 1, cS: cE + 1] # integer array # predict! if self.classif_map.ndim == 2: im_tile_pred = \ classifier.predict(im_tile, classif_map_tile, nodataVal=out_nodataVal, cmap_nodataVal=cmap_nodataVal, cmap_unclassifiedVal=unclassified_pixVal) else: weights_tile = weights_datapos[rS: rE + 1, cS: cE + 1] # float array im_tile_pred = \ classifier.predict_weighted_averages(im_tile, classif_map_tile, weights_tile, nodataVal=out_nodataVal, cmap_nodataVal=cmap_nodataVal, cmap_unclassifiedVal=unclassified_pixVal) # set saturated pixels (exceeding the output data range with respect to the data type) to no-data # NOTE: this is computed on the chunks to save memory if isinstance(image_predicted.dtype, np.integer): out_dTMin, out_dTMax = np.iinfo(image_predicted.dtype).min,\ np.iinfo(image_predicted.dtype).max if np.min(im_tile_pred) < out_dTMin or\ np.max(im_tile_pred) > out_dTMax: mask_saturated = np.any(im_tile_pred > out_dTMax | im_tile_pred < out_dTMin, axis=2) n_saturated_px += np.sum(mask_saturated) im_tile_pred[mask_saturated] = out_nodataVal spectra_predicted[rS:rE + 1, :] = im2spectra(im_tile_pred) # [n_spectra x n_tgt_bands] # fill in the predicted spectra image_predicted[image.mask_nodata[:]] = spectra_predicted if n_saturated_px: self.logger.warning("%.2f %% of the predicted pixels are saturated and set to no-data." % n_saturated_px /*image_predicted.shape[:2]) * 100)'Total prediction time: %s' % time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time()-t0))) ############################### # complete prediction results # ############################### # re-apply nodata values to predicted result if image.nodata is not None: mask_nodata = image.calc_mask_nodata(overwrite=True, flag='any') image_predicted[~mask_nodata] = out_nodataVal # copy mask_nodata image_predicted.mask_nodata = image.mask_nodata # append weights to predicted image image_predicted.weights = weights # # '/home/gfz-fe/scheffler/temp/SPECHOM_py/image_predicted_QRclust1_MinDist_noB9.bsq') # GeoArray(self.classif_map).save( # '/home/gfz-fe/scheffler/temp/SPECHOM_py/classif_map_QRclust1_MinDist_noB9.bsq') # append some statistics regarding the homogenization cmap_vals, cmap_valcounts = np.unique(self.classif_map, return_counts=True) cmap_valfractions = cmap_valcounts / self.classif_map.size self.classif_map_fractions = dict(zip(list(cmap_vals), list(cmap_valfractions))) # log the pixel fraction where material-specific regressors were applied frac = self.classif_map_fractions if -1 in frac: glob_regr_perc = frac[-1] * 100 nodata_perc = frac[cmap_nodataVal] * 100 if cmap_nodataVal in frac else 0 data_perc = 100 - nodata_perc opt_regr_perc = 100 - glob_regr_perc - nodata_perc"No-data fraction:\t{nodata_perc:.1f}%")"Regressor fractions:\t" f"{opt_regr_perc / data_perc * 100:.1f}% material optimized; " f"{glob_regr_perc / data_perc * 100:.1f}% global regressor") return image_predicted
[docs] def compute_prediction_errors(self, im_predicted, cluster_classifier, nodataVal=None, cmap_nodataVal=None): # type: (Union[np.ndarray, GeoArray], Cluster_Learner, float, float) -> np.ndarray """Compute errors that quantify prediction inaccurracy per band and per pixel. :param im_predicted: 3D array representing the predicted image :param cluster_classifier: instance of Cluster_Learner :param nodataVal: no data value of the input image (auto-computed if not given or contained in im_predicted GeoArray) NOTE: The value is also used as output nodata value for the errors array. :param cmap_nodataVal: no data value for the classification map in case more than one sub-classes are used for prediction :return: 3D array (int16) representing prediction errors per band and pixel """ im_predicted = im_predicted if isinstance(im_predicted, GeoArray) else GeoArray(im_predicted, nodata=nodataVal) im_predicted.nodata = nodataVal if nodataVal is not None else im_predicted.nodata # might be auto-computed here for clf in cluster_classifier: if not len(clf.rmse_per_band) == GeoArray(im_predicted).bands: raise ValueError('The given classifier contains error statistics incompatible to the shape of the ' 'image.') if self.classif_map is None: raise RuntimeError('self.classif_map must be generated by running self.predict() beforehand.') if self.classif_map.ndim == 3: # FIXME: error computation does not work for kNN algorithms so far (self.classif_map is 3D instead of 2D) raise NotImplementedError('Error computation for 3-dimensional classification maps (e.g., due to kNN ' 'classification algorithms) is not yet implemented.') errors = np.empty_like(im_predicted) # iterate over all cluster labels and copy rmse values for pixVal in sorted(list(np.unique(self.classif_map))): if pixVal == cmap_nodataVal: continue'Inpainting error values for cluster #%s...' % pixVal) clf2use = cluster_classifier.MLdict[pixVal] if pixVal != -1 else cluster_classifier.global_clf rmse_per_band_int = np.round(clf2use.rmse_per_band, 0).astype(np.int16) errors[self.classif_map[:] == pixVal] = rmse_per_band_int # TODO validate this equation # errors = (errors * im_predicted[:] / 10000).astype(errors.dtype) # re-apply nodata values to predicted result if im_predicted.nodata is not None: # errors[im_predicted == im_predicted.nodata] = im_predicted.nodata errors[im_predicted.mask_nodata.astype(np.int8) == 0] = im_predicted.nodata # GeoArray(errors).save('/home/gfz-fe/scheffler/temp/SPECHOM_py/errors_LRclust1_MinDist_noB9_clusterpred.bsq') return errors