Source code for spechomo.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# spechomo, Spectral homogenization of multispectral satellite data
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021
# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam,
#   Germany (
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Please note the following exception: `spechomo` depends on tqdm, which is
# distributed under the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v2.0 except for the files
# "tqdm/", "", "README.rst", "" and ".gitignore".
# Details can be found here:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from glob import glob
import os
from zipfile import ZipFile
import dill
from multiprocessing import Pool
from typing import Union, List  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue
import json
import warnings
from urllib.request import urlretrieve, urlopen

import numpy as np  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue
from geoarray import GeoArray  # noqa F401  # flake8 issue
import pandas as pd
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from natsort import natsorted
from tqdm import tqdm

from .options import options

[docs]def im2spectra(geoArr): # type: (Union[GeoArray, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray """Convert 3D images to array of spectra samples (rows: samples; cols: spectral information).""" return geoArr.reshape((geoArr.shape[0] * geoArr.shape[1], geoArr.shape[2]))
[docs]def spectra2im(spectra, tgt_rows, tgt_cols): # type: (Union[GeoArray, np.ndarray], int, int) -> np.ndarray """Convert array of spectra samples (rows: samples; cols: spectral information) to a 3D image. :param spectra: 2D array with rows: spectral samples / columns: spectral information (bands) :param tgt_rows: number of target image rows :param tgt_cols: number of target image rows :return: 3D array (rows x columns x spectral bands) """ return spectra.reshape((tgt_rows, tgt_cols, spectra.shape[1]))
_columns_df_trafos = ['method', 'src_sat', 'src_sen', 'src_LBA', 'tgt_sat', 'tgt_sen', 'tgt_LBA', 'n_clusters']
[docs]def list_available_transformations(classifier_rootDir=options['classifiers']['rootdir'], method=None, src_sat=None, src_sen=None, src_LBA=None, tgt_sat=None, tgt_sen=None, tgt_LBA=None, n_clusters=None): # type: (str, str, str, str, List[str], str, str, List[str], int) -> pd.DataFrame """List all sensor transformations available according to the given classifier root directory. NOTE: This function can be used to copy/paste possible input parameters for spechomo.SpectralHomogenizer.predict_by_machine_learner(). :param classifier_rootDir: directory containing classifiers for homogenization, either as .zip archives or as .dill files :param method: filter results by the machine learning approach to be used for spectral bands prediction :param src_sat: filter results by source satellite, e.g., 'Landsat-8' :param src_sen: filter results by source sensor, e.g., 'OLI_TIRS' :param src_LBA: filter results by source bands list :param tgt_sat: filter results by target satellite, e.g., 'Landsat-8' :param tgt_sen: filter results by target sensor, e.g., 'OLI_TIRS' :param tgt_LBA: filter results by target bands list :param n_clusters: filter results by the number of spectral clusters to be used during LR/ RR/ QR homogenization :return: pandas.DataFrame listing all the available transformations """ clf_zipfiles = glob(os.path.join(classifier_rootDir, '*')) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=_columns_df_trafos) if clf_zipfiles: for path_zipfile in clf_zipfiles: with TemporaryDirectory() as td, ZipFile(path_zipfile) as zF: zF.extractall(td) with Pool() as pool: paths_dillfiles = [(os.path.join(td, fN)) for fN in natsorted(zF.namelist())] dfs =, paths_dillfiles) pool.close() # needed to make coverage work in multiprocessing pool.join() df = pd.concat([df] + dfs) else: paths_dillfiles = natsorted(glob(os.path.join(classifier_rootDir, '*.dill'))) if paths_dillfiles: with Pool() as pool: dfs =, paths_dillfiles) pool.close() # needed to make coverage work in multiprocessing pool.join() df = pd.concat([df] + dfs) # apply filters if not df.empty: df = df.reset_index(drop=True) def _force_list(arg): return [arg] if not isinstance(arg, list) else arg for filterparam in _columns_df_trafos: if locals()[filterparam]: df = df[df[filterparam].isin(_force_list(locals()[filterparam]))] return df
[docs]def explore_classifer_dillfile(path_dillFile): # type: (str) -> pd.DataFrame """List all homogenization transformations included in the given .dill file. :param path_dillFile: :return: """ df = pd.DataFrame(columns=_columns_df_trafos) meth_nclust_str, src_sat, src_sen = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_dillFile))[0].split('__') method, nclust_str = meth_nclust_str.split('_') nclust = int(nclust_str.split('clust')[1]) with open(path_dillFile, 'rb') as inF: content = dill.load(inF) for src_LBA, subdict_L1 in content.items(): for tgt_sat_sen, subdict_L2 in subdict_L1.items(): tgt_sat, tgt_sen = tgt_sat_sen for tgt_LBA, subdict_L3 in subdict_L2.items(): df.loc[len(df)] = [method, src_sat, src_sen, src_LBA.split('__'), tgt_sat, tgt_sen, tgt_LBA.split('__'), nclust] return df
[docs]def export_classifiers_as_JSON(export_rootDir, classifier_rootDir=options['classifiers']['rootdir'], method=None, src_sat=None, src_sen=None, src_LBA=None, tgt_sat=None, tgt_sen=None, tgt_LBA=None, n_clusters=None): # type: (str, str, str, str, str, List[str], str, str, List[str], int) -> None """Export spectral harmonization classifiers as JSON files that match the provided filtering criteria. NOTE: So far, this function will only work for LR classifiers. :param export_rootDir: directory where to save the exported JSON files :param classifier_rootDir: directory containing classifiers for homogenization, either as .zip archives or as .dill files :param method: filter by the machine learning approach to be used for spectral bands prediction :param src_sat: filter by source satellite, e.g., 'Landsat-8' :param src_sen: filter by source sensor, e.g., 'OLI_TIRS' :param src_LBA: filter by source bands list :param tgt_sat: filter by target satellite, e.g., 'Landsat-8' :param tgt_sen: filter by target sensor, e.g., 'OLI_TIRS' :param tgt_LBA: filter by target bands list :param n_clusters: filter by the number of spectral clusters to be used during LR/ RR/ QR homogenization :return: """ from .classifier import Cluster_Learner # get matching classifiers df_trafos = list_available_transformations(classifier_rootDir=classifier_rootDir, method=method, src_sat=src_sat, src_sen=src_sen, src_LBA=src_LBA, tgt_sat=tgt_sat, tgt_sen=tgt_sen, tgt_LBA=tgt_LBA, n_clusters=n_clusters) if len(df_trafos): # export each matching transformation to a JSON file for i, trafo in tqdm(df_trafos.iterrows(), total=len(df_trafos)): CL = Cluster_Learner.from_disk( classifier_rootDir=classifier_rootDir, method=trafo.method, n_clusters=trafo.n_clusters, src_satellite=trafo.src_sat, src_sensor=trafo.src_sen, src_LBA=trafo.src_LBA, tgt_satellite=trafo.tgt_sat, tgt_sensor=trafo.tgt_sen, tgt_LBA=trafo.tgt_LBA) path_out = os.path.join(export_rootDir, trafo.method, "src__%s__%s__%s" % (trafo.src_sat, trafo.src_sen, '_'.join(trafo.src_LBA)), "to__%s__%s__%s" % (trafo.tgt_sat, trafo.tgt_sen, '_'.join(trafo.tgt_LBA)), "%s__clust%d.json" % (trafo.method, trafo.n_clusters) ) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path_out), exist_ok=True) with open(path_out, 'w') as outF: json.dump(CL.to_jsonable_dict(), outF, indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: warnings.warn('No classifiers found matching the provided filter criteria. Nothing exported.', RuntimeWarning)
[docs]def download_pretrained_classifiers(method, tgt_dir=options['classifiers']['rootdir']): remote_filespecs = { '100k_conservrsp_SCA_SD100percSA90perc_without_aviris__SCADist90pSAM40p': { # 'LR': '', # 20201008 'LR': '', # 'QR': '', # 20201008 'QR': '', } } clf_name = options['classifiers']['name'] try: url = remote_filespecs[clf_name][method] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Currently there are no %s classifiers named '%s' available." % (method, clf_name)) for i in range(3): # try 3 times if i > 0: print('Download failed. Restarting...') # get filename fn = urlopen(url).headers['content-disposition'].split('filename=')[-1].replace('"', '') # download if not os.path.isdir(tgt_dir): os.makedirs(tgt_dir) outP, msg = urlretrieve(url, os.path.join(tgt_dir, fn)) if os.path.getsize(outP) == int(msg.get('content-length')): return outP